"Deck the Malls" | Teen Ink

"Deck the Malls"

November 6, 2016
By Courtneychamblin BRONZE, Valley Stream, New York
Courtneychamblin BRONZE, Valley Stream, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

?“Deck the Malls” is a humorous, rhythmic spin on the classic song “Deck the Halls”, that is usually sung in Christmas, but about Black Friday and how chaotic and fun it is. This selection reminds me of that time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when its shopping season and people of all ages are participating. It also reminds me of me and my family. Almost every year, the day after Thanksgiving, we would all go black Friday shopping/browsing. The “holiday” is a very fun experience for everyone (unless you go to Walmart), even if you don’t buy anything! Black Friday is the time of year were we all stuff our stomachs with leftovers from Thanksgiving, empty our wallets and show our appreciation for our friends and family by showing them love, whether its by gifts or simply a hug!

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