Feedback on "The Picky Eater" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Picky Eater"

October 13, 2016
By Anonymous

        “The Picky Eater” by Molly Laninberg is an original and well-written article. Its title is its content – Molly describes what it’s like to be choosy about one’s food. Tackling this rather seemingly shallow topic demonstrates pickiness under a different angle – the struggle to eat. One does not generally choose to tell what it is like for them to eat, describe food from their perspective, and discuss the other aspects of life it touches – it is a very personal thing. However, that is precisely what Molly did.                                                                 

        This article drew me in because of its unusual content. It is brave to describe something so honestly, blatantly, and publically. “Accepting this label,” Molly explains, “was so much easier than explaining that certain foods turned my stomach inside out and made my eyes water.” I did not expect to encounter such an article omitting the perhaps stereotypical ties to deeper ideas, such as reminiscence, family, and love. It is a simple and earnest account of an everyday effort to bring the fork to your mouth, swallow, and fail to be like the people calmly eating by your side.

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