Feedback on Mind the Gap Year | Teen Ink

Feedback on Mind the Gap Year

April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

This article was very informative in telling why people should take a gap year. I never even knew what a gap year was until now. I'd always wondered why I saw some college students not going to college and just hanging around town. They didn't look dumb or anything. But now I know that they're probably taking a gap year for work experience or to find their interests at heart. A gap year can provide an opportunity for someone who doesn't know what they want to be, to find what interests them as a future job. I too wouldn't recommend going to college when you have no idea what degree  you're  aiming for. You'd be wasting your parent's money and the valuable time you've could've spent on getting work experience.

The author's comments:

I'm glad to have learned about gap years now, since I'm really not sure what job I'd want when I'm an adult. I'm also glad that I'd wouldn't have to carry college and a job on my back at the same time because a gap year would already let me build up my work experience for my future resume.

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