The Monster | Teen Ink

The Monster

February 18, 2016
By Kennytnguyen_ BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Kennytnguyen_ BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A big round of applause for Megan W. for her article, "The Monster." This article is moving in that this girl must overcome her fear pf "The MOnster" all by herself and feel petrified for every memory they've created together. She is forced to go through sexual assault on her own because her friends do not believe what The Monster has done to her. It is most tragic that she isnt the only one. Thousands of females are sexually assaulted a day and go incognito with no sign or holler of the assaultant or the assault it self, out of fear and depression. It all starts with, "This is not okay," but it is unheard and disregarded. Thank you Megan for your heart felt article. 

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