When school attacks | Teen Ink

When school attacks

January 28, 2016
By Victor.A BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Victor.A BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       I found Sophia Froppa's article ' When school attacks' extremely interesting because it relates to me. It is a routine every day. My Alarm wails at 6:50, drive to school at 7:30 and depending on traffic I get to school around 7:45, 7:50. She explains how she looks like its a movie , she has a metaphor for every class. For instance, ' Calculus pushes me into my seat and smashes out my brain". Last hour feels like it is never going to end, I can relate and agree to Sophia becasue it is a pain in the but at school.Thank you Sophia for thid entertaining article. I was very shocked how we think the same about school.

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