Review of “Finding 'The One'” | Teen Ink

Review of “Finding 'The One'”

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

I can strongly agree with the writing titled “Finding “The One” by Kate. On many occasions I have never wanted to talk to certain people by their tone in their voice and how they speak to me. If you do not get what I mean Kate explains “From spider web-filled waiting rooms to dull old men.” If I were to end going to a physiologist every week for my problems that I face, Personally, I would not like to a old monotone man for me to be telling my problems to. I also would not like “an overly enthusiastic women” as Kate explains she was greeted by, to help me. I would want a very chill, relaxed person that gets me and be able to talk about more than my problems, which would be “Mary” in this situation.

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