Crash | Teen Ink


December 3, 2015
By pilots BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
pilots BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crash, by Ross M was an intense story because I really didn’t know how the ending was going to turn out, if it was going to be bad or good news. I can relate to this story because I was in a car accident before. This story had very good description on what happened “After we were out an ambulance came to take us to the hospital. We were strapped to boards and taken away. Once we got there the doctor performed many agonizing tests. From internal to chest ex-rays, we had the entire staff performing tests on us.” It had great describing similes “The car looked like a slinky that did not op back out.” Smoke hit my face like a cannon.” Things to fix in the story is to make it have more imagery. Could fix what road was this accident on. “Luckily some generous people stopped to help us.” You could add it in that sentence.  Could also fix what hospital you went to. “After we were out an ambulance came to take us to the hospital.” You could add it in that sentence.

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