A Boy’s First Kiss” | Teen Ink

A Boy’s First Kiss”

February 16, 2015
By Darion Tracy BRONZE, Continetal, Ohio
Darion Tracy BRONZE, Continetal, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After reading this I found that Cody Suesser of “A Boy’s First Kiss”  is a good writer.  But I think that you should have not used the times because it kind of through stuff off.  I also think that you should not have done that because its not sanitary she could be sick and get you sick.  Your also 16 you should wait till your about 18 to start kissing because that’s about a proper age for kissing in my opinion.  Also if you were so nervous about it done do it or practice kissing.  This was a very nice story but again you should wait.

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