But He's Not White | Teen Ink

But He's Not White

December 4, 2014
By Daniel_Valles BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Daniel_Valles BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Caitlin Baratti in her article "But He's Not White, but not like the article says. I have alwas been compared to my brother throughout sports and our grades in school. Although we are both better at different things, we are both brothers. Then even more similar to this article my brother is a lot more darker than me but we are both classified as Hispanic, or Mexican however you want to put it, but we are both brothers. My brother was a gifted athlete who could pick up any sport and be good at it. then i was always better in school then him, having to work three times as hard as my brother to even catch up to him. But the thing was he worked hard his whole life in sports and in life. He wasn't always better at everything non-sports but he is my brother. But I didn't start to work hard in sports till I was 13. I have a lot of ground to make up and a lot of hard work in front of me to even catch up from where he left off.

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