Feed Back Idea | Teen Ink

Feed Back Idea

February 14, 2014
By Carson,Griffith BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Carson,Griffith BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

Amazing magazines! I like all the feedbacks that you chose. I love how you take writings from teens for teens to read. I love all the feedback and stories but, I think I have an idea that will make the feedbacks be read. My idea is for your online website.
My idea of putting the feedback from other writers on the page of the story! This would be easier to relate too because the story is fresh in your mind when you read the feedback. Also there would be more feedbacks that you would receive because every story would have about 3 feedbacks.
Thank you for spending the time to read this letter keep up the good work. I can relate to your stories. I hope you choose my idea because I want my typed letter to change world.


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