My Ppinion to Bullying | Teen Ink

My Ppinion to Bullying

March 22, 2013
By Spaceking510 BRONZE, Oakland, California
Spaceking510 BRONZE, Oakland, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teen ink
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Newton, MA 02461

Dear Editors of Teen ink:

I strongly agree theat people should not be bullying in schools or anywhere really. A lot of people says, “nobody should be bullying anybody because it makes people feel bad.” (“Bullying in schools”, written by Carrie Ann 13,Goodsall,CANADA.”) Too many kids are being harmed. Why bully theem, what did theey ever do to you? Stand up to bullies.

When other kids get bullied they go home and cry. Would you like that to happen to you. In thee movie bully a lot of kids committed suicide because they were getting bullied. More and more kids are dying in America because of bullying. Stop thee bullying. Moms and Dads are crying because theeir kids committed suicide. Bully’s are probably bullying otheer kids because thee maybe have problems at home or something. Some people don’t like to see other kids get bullied but they think that their next so thee don’t

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