fling the Feelings | Teen Ink

fling the Feelings

December 6, 2011
By 97sonia BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
97sonia BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The article Fling the Feelings by Roslyn S was an article that I could relate to. It was something that I could relate to because the girl reminded me a lot about myself. She was a girl who took a lot of pride in there smile, just like me. That wasn’t the only thing that I could relate too, the other thing was how it was very hard for her to be mean or hurtful to others. I personally can’t be mean to a person for no reason because I don’t like how they acted.
The girl who wrote the article had many family problems that are to avoid until you see them again. She had didn’t really like her cousin because of how much she looked up to her. Her cousin looked up to her so much because of how well she took care of her self. I think that her cousin looked up to her so much was because she has always wanted a beautiful smile, which what her cousin had.
Even though the girls cousin overly wanted to be with her her still had the kind enough heart to not say anything rude or hurtful. That’s why I can relate a lot to this article by just the actions and what she took so much pride in.

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