Aristocratic Athletics | Teen Ink

Aristocratic Athletics MAG

By Anonymous

     After reading Stacy E.'s "Aristocratic Athletics" in the March issue, we were deeply offended by the berating of the value of athletics in high schools. We believe that athletics are not only important to the growth of students' characters, but also in developing balanced lifestyles. Both arts and athletics are an integral part of schools' curriculi and instead of declaring one more important, the emphasis should be on equal glorification of both.

We are both involved not only in two varsity sports, but also in band, chorus, jazz band, jazz choir and drama. Instead of expressing disdain for the success of athletes, Stacy, it should be your mission to bring equal awareness of the arts into the community. Instead of complaining, do something for the program you love. Be a role model for the arts instead of trying to tear down the people who feel as strongly about athletics as you do about the arts. Promoting acceptance of the interests of all students should be the mission of youth today, not the degrading of any successful and valuable student organization.

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