Intolerant Christians | Teen Ink

Intolerant Christians MAG

By Anonymous

     Vicky S. complains that “God” is being pushed out of government, schools and society in general. Well, hello, we live in the United States of America, where there is a separation of church and state.

I do agree that it is unfair that only Christians be asked not to display symbols with religious affiliation. The Constitution grants all the right to practice whatever religion (or lack thereof) they choose, but public spaces are not the place for religion. Therefore, removing the Ten Commandments from a courthouse was the correct, lawful action to take.

No one is denying Vicky the right to practice Christianity but not everyone believes in her “Father.” As an atheist, I find it insulting when she suggests that those with different opinions leave the country. Our government is not a theocracy controlled by Christianity, but a democracy with a separation of church and state.

I have a suggestion for you, Vicky: attend a parochial school or be homeschooled if you want your “Father” in your school. And by the way, the phrase “One nation under God” was only added to the Pledge in the 1950s to counter the influence of Communism. This nation was not founded on the principles of the Bible. The United States was founded because people wanted a democratic nation, not one ruled by a king who demanded you follow his laws, including his religion. I have great respect for why and how this country was founded.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Nov. 21 2011 at 1:44 am
Krista Stephens, Eatonville, Washington
0 articles 4 photos 3 comments
the author.

on Nov. 20 2011 at 10:01 pm
Me or her?

on Nov. 20 2011 at 9:53 pm
Krista Stephens, Eatonville, Washington
0 articles 4 photos 3 comments
Thats exactly what I was thinking. Almost word for word. Thank you.

on Aug. 5 2010 at 12:22 am
The_Blackest_Rose PLATINUM, Joliet, Montana
31 articles 19 photos 41 comments

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