Rolling In a River Response | Teen Ink

Rolling In a River Response

March 6, 2019
By cwelch2022 BRONZE, Ayersville, Ohio
cwelch2022 BRONZE, Ayersville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am responding to “Rolling In A River” by Sabrina M.

It’s a good story, the story is about a relationship, she states in the story “The moment is as frozen as the sky is, but of course, it will not last forever. It is only briefly that I forgot our time is not endless, and then I remember that in a few months we will be strangers.” I can indeed relate to that, not at the moment, but I have definitely thought about that before. I think her punctuation and spelling is pretty good. She also said “I let my hand surrender in his.” In my case it would be opposite but I’ve done that before homie.

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