The National California Crisis | Teen Ink

The National California Crisis

January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Recently, Earth has been recognized as a very dangerous place, especially in California. California had been hit multiple times with some of the largest wildfires in history. From Santa Rosa to Napa Valley even down to the outskirts of LA, the wildfires are setting ablaze across the state. This current matter is most commonly seen in California, yet it has the potential to become a worldwide issue. The flames don’t only occur from the heat and dryness of the state, but many reckless and unconcerned people have been making lethargic actions bringing miles of destruction. Many flames have been put out, yet many fires are still burning at this moment. It has not only brought upon a sense of worry and horror to the residents of California but nationally this is a crisis affecting all of America. So many lives, homes, and wilderness have been lost, and this issue has gotten to the worst it could be. Schools, churches and a handful celebrities houses have been burnt to ash. Many families are stuck with nothing left but hope for a solution to this ongoing issue. The big question is “How do these fires keep starting?” the answer; humans.

California wildfires is an issue that could date back to issue 1965. It seems to always be a new story when it comes to the causes of these fires. Recently, society and technology a have been rapidly growing, and humans are only getting lazier and careless when it comes to taking care of Earth’s environment. In one recent story, a fire tore through the Holy Jim Canyon and set ablaze more than 6,200 acres of nature (Gibbens). Investigators have found that a citizen of California, Forest Clark was the main cause of this. Humans can cause these fires in so many ways. Humans can set illegal campfires, fireworks, and even the smallest spark from a cigarette can set a deadly fire flaming through thousands of acres. Humans carelessness are what seems to be the major cause of these actions.

Not only do forest fires occur because of humans, but California’s environment is also a big factor. National Geographic says, “Hot, windy, and dry conditions fueled by California's reoccurring droughts have created a tinder box that people can easily set ablaze,”(Gibbens). Another factor is the weather. Lightning strikes and other natural conditions also cause a huge issue. Being that these natural factors are uncontrollable, it is difficult for America to protect its society from these dangerous causes.

There is a handful of safety precautions to help protect California's wild. Obviously, the first action which should be done is to limit the number of items regarding flames, especially cigarettes. Knowing that they are very addictive, it is going to be difficult to stop using them. But instead of lighting the cigarettes outside, maybe do it inside or not at all. Also be sure not to just throw a still heated cigarette on the grass or ground, because that would only lead to a major fire. To continue, car accidents are also a very common cause, it is important that California tries to limit them. Intense car accidents often bring upon large flames which would only spread throughout hundreds of acres of wilderness. To prevent this issue, need to be safer and pay more attention to the roads. Overall, humans need to smarter and cautious when using flammable products outside, especially in California.

Not only will the fires burn homes and take lives, but the beauty of California's nature is being destroyed. The fires are currently only an issue in California, but at the rate society is going, it will soon be a worldwide concern. Humans need to be more cautious in their everyday lives, especially when it comes to using products regarding a flame. Be sure to always be cautious and pay full attention to what you are doing, because if not the future of our Earth may be in danger.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the recent California fires. I go into brief detail about some of the major human causes and natural causes. I also add a solution that may help stop these wildfires. Enjoy!

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