A Note to Brett Kavanaugh | Teen Ink

A Note to Brett Kavanaugh

November 27, 2018
By Anonymous

The writing titled “A Note to Brett Kavanaugh,” written by Rian M., talks about Brett Kavanaugh. His writing left me feeling political. Did we not already go over this enough? The fact that we play judge, jury, and executioner on an entire person’s reputation on shady allegations on something that happened almost forty years ago worries me greatly. The fact that there was no evidence that anything happened between the two does not mean that nothing happened. Do not get me wrong. I just do not think that it is okay to let this happen, especially since no one knows what had happened between the two for sure. All that I am saying is that we cannot judge someone or something if we do not know the whole story.

The author's comments:

I get carried away sometimes.

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