Weeping for Sadness | Teen Ink

Weeping for Sadness

August 31, 2018
By Firefly_Benett BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Firefly_Benett BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The poem called Weeping For Sadness by Maeve was relatble to me in a way. I can relate to what Maeve felt or what Maeve wanted her readers to feel because what she wrote is something that I have experienced. I can relate to Maeve as she describes that sadness is like another person of herself and that she is "staring at the mirror until the tears come out." I have experienced this emotion and other emotions as I have stared at the mirror looking at my reflection and I can see myself but it is not me. Its like I wear a mask to hide my real emotions. I have worn a mask for a long time around my friends. Around my family. Around everyone around me. Maeve's poem can describe multiple emotions connected to sadness and I can feel and relate to those emotions. I stare at myself like Maeve except I know teras will not come and I tell sadness to leave me at least for an hour but it has no effect. The main thing that I say to myself while I stare at my reflection is that I don't want to be you anymore. This phrase that I say is something that I have never meant more than anything I have ever spoke. people ask "what's wrong?" and I reply with that nothing is wrong but I really want to say is that everything is wrong with me. You can feel so extremely lost and feel so much sadness and for no reason at all which is how I feel. Thank you, Maeve, for writing something that I can connect to in my own way.

The author's comments:

I am just a high school student but in a Labyrinth.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 23 2018 at 2:04 pm
Firefly_Benett BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I apologize for my misspelled words.