Water is Life | Teen Ink

Water is Life

January 5, 2016
By P.NChua BRONZE, San Pedro, Other
P.NChua BRONZE, San Pedro, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is water so essential? This question was one of the most frequently asked question especially from younger people. Those who are old enough or considered as adult already know that water can provide a lot of benefits, especially to those people who are still developing their body and preparing for adulthood.


Water is essential when teenagers like you or even adults who are promoting good health, fitness and healthy lifestyle. In Fitness, water provides energy and helps burn fats and calories. As for the additional information, water is good for detoxification. It removes toxic waste and of course, prevents dehydration. Water diet is too famous and is technically proven and tested effective.


Being healthy starts from the most basic need and that is water. It can be the solution for a lot of health diseases like obesity, heart burn or any cardio related illness, depression, fitness, and promotes healthy lifestyle. Drink at least 8 glasses of water or more for a healthier body and a fitter you.

The author's comments:

I really love water. It really helps me about Everything, really essential. and I want to share you the facts I know about this life changing element. HAHAHA. feel free to share and enjoy this short article.

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