Every Household Should Carry Out Recycling | Teen Ink

Every Household Should Carry Out Recycling

February 25, 2016
By NasreenKidz SILVER, Jerantut, Other
NasreenKidz SILVER, Jerantut, Other
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Recycling is a process of converting waste material into reusable objects to prevent waste of potentially useful materials.Every household should carry out recycling because it is a good thing to do.It can make the world a better place to live.

Recycling is easy to carry out at home.The entire family can get involve.Recycling can be fun when we do it together.Start recycling at home by having the recycling bins.There are three types of recycling bins.


The first one is the blue one.The blue one is for the papers. Throw all of the material made of papers into blue bin.Next is the red one.Red recycling bin is only for the material made of plastic.For example,mineral bottle and plastic bag.The last one is the green bin. It is only for material made of glass.It might be dangerous if you misplace the glass.To prevent that from happening,we must sort out the items accordingly.


After we sort out the items accordingly, we must take the trash to the recycling centre.If you live in Kuala Lumpur,you can go to ‘Choon Seng Recycle’ or ‘Tzu-chi Happy Garden Recycling Station’ You can google it on the internet.If you are not from Kuala Lumpur,you can go to the nearest recycling centre.


Recycling have many benefits.For example,it help to conserve the environment . It can decrease air and water pollutions. It can also save resources. When we recycle, use materials are converted into new products,reducing the need to consume natural resources.The conclusion of this article is  to encourage every household to carry out recycling.

The author's comments:

Let's make this world happy.


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