807 wonds | Teen Ink

807 wonds

January 27, 2013
By BertaLoLus BRONZE, Reykjavík, Other
BertaLoLus BRONZE, Reykjavík, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
How badly do you want it!?

807 wounds
I look over my speech once more. It's funny sitting here waiting for my nomination for an Oscar for best actress in leading part. Strange thinking about these last couple years, my strange little trip from the bottom of the school social life to be sitting hear waiting for my nomination.

One year ago:
-hey! Beth!.
I turn around and see James. is hair is black and little curly. He looks at me with his mean eyes and I can feel whats going to happen next.
- how is it to be so small and ugly that when a dwarf sees you he thinks you are his sister?!
His friends laugh and he smiles like he's the coolest guy in the world. My brain tells me to punch him,but I'm not stupid, instead I walk slowly away. my head is spinning around and I feel like throwing up. I go in to the girls bathroom there is nobody there so it's save. when I begin in this school five years ago I made many friends for example James and Drew but then we grew up and everything changes. They changed, now they think I'm ugly, small, geek, and stuff like that.When that happened everyone taught so to. I began to collect points on the wall in the girls bathroom, one point fer each time I got hurt ,physical or mentally. I add one point on the wall now and count. 807,807 times this semester I have been hurt. I never let my self count all the points from the beginning that's the only rule in this game it will only do harm to me self. I look in the mirror and see a sad girl looking at me. her sad blue eyes are empty. It's like she isn't even there.
- It's a stupid game?
- this is not the game. you are the game.
The girl says and I feel like I just got punched in the chest. I'm the Game. the girls stands still and stares her eyes are emptier than ever. She looks so lonely but she's right. I dry my eyes so I can try to get safely home.

I go out and to my looker I grab my bag and jacket. I'm almost at the door when someone picks my solder.

I turn around and It's Drew. I kinda have a little crush on him. but I don't know why?

-I just wanted to ask you... if.. um?...if you...
he starts to laugh before he can finish.
-sorry what are you trying to say?
when that last word goes out I feel ice cold water streaming down my back. I cant move. all the kids are laughing and they don't stop. I push Drew away and run out to the bus stop. The girls voice echoes in my head you are the game. you are the game.

Sitting alone at the bus stop is probably the best part of my day.My jeans are frozen to my skin in the cold whether. Some bus drives past me and in to a big puddle and dirty, cold waters splats all over me. I put my head phones on and listen to my favorite song
, Don't let me get me, with P!kn.
after a little wheal I see James and Drew come to the bus stop they sit down on another bench next to me. They talk about me. I hear them say my name so I turn down the music and look down at my hands. my fingers are blue from the cold and my mittens being wet and stuff.
-See the dwarf Beth is over there, do you think she can use a baby ticket to the bus?
-Yes she is small enough
they laugh
- but see if you close your left eye and lay your head little bit to the left she kinda looks like an Hobbit or a hamster.
they laugh more. The bus finally arrives and I can go home. In the bus my phone rings and it's mom
- Hi I'm on my way home
-Yes good. but I have grate news you got the part in the move you auditioned for!
-Yes you go to LA to morrow!

To day:
I take 'a deep breath.
- ... and the Oscar for best actress in 'a leading part goes to..... Bridgett Beth Sanders for the move Me yourself and you!
the audience clap and I go up to Sara Jessica Parker and Johnny Deep and except my very own Oscar award. I take out my speech.

-Thank you all. One year ago I was sitting wet and cold at an old bus stop, One year ago I was a game that the kids played. One year ago I was bullied and look at me now. Today I'm excepting my first Oscar. Thank you all that loved me and supported me, And to the kids how bullied me, you made me the person that I am today. But you still suck I'm not your game any more I won, you lost!

The author's comments:
It was a Monday, I was I a bus going to acting practice. that day had not been my day. I herd some boy's that are in my class saying mean things about me, and I thought to myself that maybe later in life they will regret saying things like that about me or anyone. I'm not very tall and from third grade kids have teased me for being small. and I just took all of my story's together and made this.

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