Importance of Music in My Life | Teen Ink

Importance of Music in My Life

November 3, 2021
By Anonymous

Music can be found anywhere and everywhere, and there are so many different types it is almost impossible to not like music. Whether it is playing or listening, there is something for everyone. There are all different types and genres, for example rock, hip hop, country, classical and many more. Everyone has their own reasons they listen to music. Maybe to motivate them during a workout, background noise, and to relax. Personally music is such a large part of my life because there are so many different types of it.

The majority of the time I listen to music is when I am working out. It doesn’t matter if I am lifting weights, shooting around at the field, skating, stick handling or going for a run I almost always have music playing. During these activities I enjoy listening to rap or country music. Music puts me in a state of mind where nothing else matters except the task at hand. Also, lyrics combined with an aggressive bass filled beat can make you feel all of this energy, especially when it is more traditional rap where there are not really any melodies or singing portions. Sometimes melodic rap can do that too but not as often or as good as the more angry or drill and traditional style. This is a reason why it is good to like different types of music because then there is music for every event or mood you are in.

I listen to music while I am doing homework, studying or just relaxing. During these types of activities I am usually playing either country music or melodic, chill rap. I find country music very relaxing and calming. I find the mellow and chill guitar and the artist not yelling at you relaxing. Sometimes I will play it before a game or during a workout but usually listening to it when I am not doing anything active or in a time crunch.
   The reason I like listening to music is because it can control my emotions and convert it into energy for different things. Before a game I use it to get me ready, put my head in the right place and get locked in or focused. It is normal for people to have a lot on their mind at a times as soon as the headphones go on and the music starts a switch turns on in my brain. I like to call it the lock in switch. The music drowns out all outside noise and clears my head. I then think about whatever I am doing. I also enjoy listening to music on the bus to wake myself up and pass the time when I am doing work to keep me focused. It is important to me because I feel like I am in my own world. It drowns out all of the chaos in the outside world. It is kind of like the blinders they put on racing horses. I use the music to tune out all of the distractions and focus on what I am doing.

Another reason music is important to people is because they can tell stories and express themselves through it. For example, most rappers came from not so good areas and neighborhoods. They then have all these feelings and stories to tell but nowhere to let them out. This makes what they are talking about authentic and heartfelt. Not only is it good for the artist or musician because they can express themselves but, it is good for the audience because they can see what others are going through. Most times I am listening to rap I think about how lucky I am to have all of these opportunities and all of these things that some people don’t have. It is amazing what listening to someone for 2-3.5 minutes can make you feel and think about your own life. There are also many lessons that can be learned from listening to music too. People sharing their experiences and mistakes can warn others to not make the same mistakes. For example, something that went horribly wrong for them like getting addicted to drugs or committing crimes. It is exactly like themes or lessons taught in books, there is one in every song you just have to look for it.

This is just a glimpse into the part music plays in my life. There are probably so many different people that feel the same way about music. Some might feel more strongly about it and
others won’t really care. Although you might not notice it, music probably plays a part in your life too.

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