The Ceiling | Teen Ink

The Ceiling

March 5, 2018
By Anonymous

I didn’t repost it.
The only thought running through my head as the creature approached me. I saw that post about her; the monster that appeared on your ceiling if you don’t repost it. I saw it, but I didn’t repost it. I thought it was some stupid chain post that wouldn’t affect me. God, was I wrong. She was inching closer to me and I couldn’t do anything about it. Maybe if I hadn’t looked at my ceiling she wouldn’t have seen me, but I did and she saw me. Her dark, tendril like arms are reaching for me. She has no face, but I can tell she is angry. I looked at her on the ceiling and now she’s going to kill me.
The post said if I run I’ll die, but she’ll kill me anyway. I’m going to run. It’s my only possible chance at escaping the evil being. On the count of three.
One. Two. Three.
I turned for the door but she was too fast. She’s going to kill me. Now you’ve seen this post too. There’s nothing I could do. I’m so sorry. Please, if you value your life, don’t look up.

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