The Knock | Teen Ink

The Knock

December 15, 2017
By Anonymous

I woke up with a big bang on my front door everything was silent I rubbed my eyes waking myself up I check my phone it was 3:00 am I asked myself who is knocking at my door at 3 there probably been a mistake I cover myself up with my blankets then *knock knock knock* I hear the knock again now I can’t ignore it. It's getting annoying it's probably just a person wanting to ask for directions.

I slowly walk downstairs it feels like i'm hallucinating but then again I hear the knock I yell out I’m coming I’m coming then there's silence I look thru the peephole there must be a mistake I see no one just when I take a step up the stairs I hear the bang again I run to see whos playing this cruel prank on me it’s not funny it's too late for this. Then I see her a little girl she looks confused I open the door immediately and ask her if she was lost and what was her name she responded by saying “I hear my cat meowing outside this apartment but I can't go alone my mom says it's to dangers to go places by myself but she doesn't want to wake up she's a pretty heavy sleeper and my name is lily” I respond with a sigh sure I say I thought to myself this is nonsense her mom taught her not to go places by herself but she can knock on peoples doors that she doesn't know and ask for favors that's insane.


I put all my thoughts aside and walked outside with her trying to find her lost cat I turn around to ask her what did the cat looked like but she was gone one second she was there one second she was gone I was terrified of the thought that I did this I should have said no and walked her back to her mom's door this is all on me then just when I was ready  to call 9-1-1 I see her just standing there and pointing at something I walk towards her to take her back inside with her mom then I see it something so bright my eyes cant detect whats going on then I see it. it's a helicopter I was full of questions What is the helicopter looking for at 3 am this is insane I thought to myself then I wavy at it. It was slowly coming down the little girl said “I'm scared I want to go back home now please” she lets out a whimper I tell her it's ok. I see a cat meowing to go inside the building then I say hey lily is that your cat she responds by shaking her head up and down when I tell her to get her cat and go back inside and she runs back to the apartment as demanded.


Then I see the helicopter land I ask the pilot what they were looking for they said “There's been a deadly murderer that escaped a high tech prison we have no idea how or when really” I was terrified I asked for a specific descripcion and they said he had short brown hair big blue bright eyes and a long beard and very skinny I asked them how I could help and they say “No sir this is way to riskey just keep an eye out and call if you witness anything suspicious” I fail to tell them about the little girl but yet again she's a little girl how could a little girl be anything close to suspicious right and plus the description they gave me is completely different they gave me a description of a male ,not a female so I just let it go. I started walking back to my apartment then I hear talking at a long distance I peep my head to see if that was the little girl talking to her mom I could image her mom being worried sick I would be to.

Then I hear a deep male voice saying “Did you get him out of the building” then the little girl responds “Ye-Yes I did what you asked of me please don't kill my mother she's all I have please” she cries out right then and there my phone starts ringing its my alarm clock time it's 5:00 am. The guy demands the girl to stay silent and I can feel that he's walking towards me I freeze for 10 seconds. Shaking I grab my phone and start dialing 9-1-1 no answer WHAT? I ask myself how is this possible 9-1-1 always answers right? I run to my room and I hear him chasing after me I lock all my doors and call again “9-1-1 whats your emergency” I murmur my words “The guy the deadly guy is here in my apartment please send help please” I wake up with siren at the distance it was a dream all along it can't be it felt so real then I see a woman “Sir your at the hospital please try to get some rest” I asked her what was going she just stated that I was a hero and that I saved a lot of people by calling 9-1-1 and the police came just in time to get the murder and save my life because I suffered and huge trauma but that i'm stable now and that I have to get a lot of rest in. I close my eyes I hoping this was all a dream this has to be a dream it has to be….

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