The Walk | Teen Ink

The Walk

April 11, 2016
By reneeohno BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
reneeohno BRONZE, Newmarket, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Friday night and I was walking down Main Street. It? about 10:30 at night and it was breezy out. I’m always out walking at night. Just looking at the dark scenery and the people you don't normally see during the day.
There was something about tonight that made me uneasy. I was now walking into Central Park when I heard loud footsteps behind me. I turned my head slightly to see who was there.
When I turned my head I saw a dark figure lurking behind a tree about 20 feet away. I didn't know what to think of it so I just kept walking. Then about one minute later I felt heavy breathing on my neck. I turned and there was the man looking right in my eyes. His eyes had a evil look to them.
“What do you want”, I asked. I was trying not to look in his eyes or show fear.
He didn't say anything he just stood there and stared into my eyes like he was possessing me. 
I asked him what he wanted again but there was no response. Then he turned his head to look away from me. At this point I was terrified.
He let go of me now. He was still looking away so I started to back up and try to get out. He didn’t try to hurt or catch me. I was free so I started running for my life. When I turned my head he was standing there looking at me. I ran until I was out the park and never went out by myself again.

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