The Walk Down the Dimly Lit Street | Teen Ink

The Walk Down the Dimly Lit Street

November 18, 2013
By Chuck23 GOLD, Des Moines, Iowa
Chuck23 GOLD, Des Moines, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
There is nothing to fear but fear itself.- Franklin D. Roosevelt

The rushing wind of the cold autumn breeze glides over the solid ground of the cracked cement. Walking down an empty street, John, Bill, and, Jack are looking for some entertainment on their Friday nights.

“Jack,” says John breaking the silence. “I don’t like the flickering street lights, what if the light’s go out?”

“Are you stupid? Don’t be a pu**y! you’re the one who wanted to go out this late,” Jack shouted.

“But to go to MickeyD’s,” explains John, “not to go walk down the street with broken glass and cigarettes buds litering the cracked sidewalk.”

“Will you girls stop nagging each other, I mean if this relationship is not working maybe you guys should take a break,” snarked Bill, whose shirt was dirty from barbeque sauce packets from his early dinner.

“Shut up, Bill!” John growled.

“Ohh Someone’s sensitive, does you mom know where you are at,” said Bill. But john did not respond and just kept walking, maybe even a little faster. So for a couple of seconds it was quiet like the empty static of an old analog television. As the walked farther and farther, the darkness began to creep up on them like a stalking creature without a face.

This silence was quickly broken by Bill saying, “Hey, look at this piece of work.” Who was pointing at an house where the livest part was the dead decrepit tree in the middle of what they thought was the front yard. “ Who want to go check it out?” asked Bill

“Sure, I am tired of walking around with our heads in our ass” said Jack flowing his hand through his unkempt hair.

“Maybe we shouldn’t, last week I heard Jimmy went in and never came out, ” replied John.

“John, just for once why don’t you act like that little twig that you call your penis actually has a pear,” snapped Bill.

They slowly approach the two story house with the cobwebs creeping from the sides and found the door to locked. So John started to back away from the house. “Look,” says Jack stopping John in his tracks. “There is a cellar door we can get in though.” And Jack pointed to a old misshapen piece of wood with large cracks in it that was barely able to cover up the musty cellar.

Jack proceeded to carefully lift up the wood, while John was pushed almost forced down the creaky stairs by Bill. It was when they were all in the cellar that they moved with speed to the next set stairs to the main house for the smell of rotten wine burned their eye’s.

So when the reached the next floor they searched through the house while the carpet stuck to the sole of their shoes. “Can’t we just leave,” said John to no answer. They just continued walking till they reached the kitchen.

Jack opened the door from the kitchen to a face flow of cobwebs and the century old dust that floated up to his face causing him to cough and sneeze like a mad men. They couldn’t see a thing, but after a while as there eyes adjusted to the darkness they saw a figure in the corner of the room. A tall hulking man with a bald head with sharp piercing black eye’s, that to them appeared to be a old cabinet.

They continued to explore this once lavish room with it now board window and dim lighting. It started to get as cold as the sea on the winters day, with the statue moving slowly behind the three guys.

“Guy’s why is that statue looking at us?” asked John with knees bowed together shaking with the cold.

“John, why did you even come with us? this statue can’t move it’s dumb,” said Bill poking at the statue. “It’s not alive, you dumbass.”

“It’s just creepy,” replied john

“John it’s just a life sized doll, nothing more nothing less. It is just a worthless piece of crap.” Bill said kicking the doll with his right foot.

“See nothing is going to happen,” said Jack as the air chilled to an unpleasant temperatures; a cool uneasy breeze flowed through the open cracks through the windows. The sound of leaves shaking off the tree grew louder. They listened and heard the rain patter off the broken shingled roof of this forgotten house. Bill who was getting bored leaned on the statue and much to his horror it grabbed him.

“Somebody help me!” Bill screamed as the arms tightened around his waist, with his blood starting to fill his lungs as his body was slow crushed like a car compactor squeezing and molding a frame into a square unrecognizable lifeless piece of metal. Jack rushed to try a pry his friend from death's grasp. But it was to no avail and the soon to be lifeless body’s eyes gushed out on to his now bloody shirt.
The monster then pushed Jack away knocking him in the wall and sent him flying in to a wall with a force that broke his arm. He then dropped Bill into a mangled mess that was only recognizable as a clump of organs. Leaving Jack wide eyed full of terror. And as it passed him, he seized up, squeezing every muscle in his body and never letting go till it headed back down to the cellar.

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