The world as we know it. Chapter one | Teen Ink

The world as we know it. Chapter one

February 19, 2013
By TheWorldAsWeKnowIt BRONZE, Richmond Hill, Other
TheWorldAsWeKnowIt BRONZE, Richmond Hill, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
That was then, this is now

Joyce came to see me today. The world was letting out its short slow breath, as many have already disappeared. The streets were empty and dead quiet. You could probably even hear a pin drop on the next street corner. Joyce was a pretty girl with long golden hair and a slim body. I had a feeling that she was going to find me; I mean, it’s not that hard. This was her 100th day of living, her last day. Her eyes darkened as soon as she saw me, she looked like she was ready to kill. This to me is not a surprise at all. I see the small gun sticking out from her jet black trench coat; I knew she was serious. I just glance away.
She spoke first in a low voice, “Found you..”
Not a surprise at her next action as she points the gun directly at my heart. About to speak again, she notices I am avoiding eye contact with her. I sense that she feels more confident and powerful.
She then again spoke again, “I’ve looked for you for a long time. Do you know why I’m here?”
I replied in my steady voice that I know so well of, with just a simple answer, that meant so much more. “Yes.”
She looked surprised, but only for a second. She doesn’t know I know everything, and that the disappearance was my entire fault. Having humanity wipe out was my goal, to make a world I call equal again. No more will we have war, with young souls being lost. No more will women and men fight for equality. No more will money be a burden on many everyday lives. And finally, no longer will people have to fight for love. She suddenly shook, trying to stand straight as if she knew what I was going to say next. I began to talk about Matthew; the man she loved with all her heart, and how he loved me. How now both of us lost our chance to be with him forever. She lost it then, pulling the trigger as if pulling it harder will make a difference. The loud noise covers the world, and the echo screamed over and over again. But nothing happened. Then silence. Her now blanked eyes looked at me then looked at the small gun. So I continued to the story. Matthew was an average looking man, but he could charm anyone with his golden heart and beautiful blue eyes. He believed in the same things I did and hoped to accomplish my goal. Matthew chose me. He told me that I was his everything. He left Joyce for me, knowing that we were meant to be and we should live forever for each other. That’s what I’ve always believed; we would live forever loving each other and creating a new world. But our plan was sadly destroyed when poor Matthew died in a freak accident. While watching the twilight once, a police pulled the trigger on Matthew, while trying to shoot a runaway thief. Matthew died in my arms, using his last breath to tell me he loved me, and how he hoped I could create a brand new world. After I ran from the scene, I knew that this was no longer a dream, and I must make it into reality. Joyce hated me ever since, using every chance and opportunity to kill me. As I finished, I realized she had broken down crying loudly, repeating his name over and over again. I just watched dumbly, for the first time in my life I did not know what to do. I pulled her slowly into my arms, rocked her like a baby and sang. My voice was soft and gentle. It made me feel like everything was perfect again, but it wasn’t. I knew it was up to me to change everything to give hope to the new world. I knew although there was happiness in life, negativity was taking over. Joyce now seemed so small and began to fade away in my arms. No longer was she crying. Instead she looked like an angel sleeping. Gentle tears fall down my eyes, but the harsh wind blows it away. It was as if they were telling me that I must be strong and the end is near. She’s gone. This is a harsh world

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