In the Silence | Teen Ink

In the Silence

August 27, 2024
By Anonymous

It was 1:00 AM at the police station when there was a call talking about a man presumed dead in his house. The house was far outside of the city, and it stood alone without any other houses nearby. Kyler along with his right hand man, Eddy, headed to the house followed by many other police officers. When everyone got there, the officers slowly moved into the house. A man named Bryce Stevenson was bloodied and lying lifeless on the floor of the kitchen. The officers knew that he must have been murdered. Immediately all of the police officers started looking for the answer to his death. There was no one else in the house, so they started to look for objects that could have been used in his killing. Kyler and Eddy found a knife on the kitchen counter, but there was no blood on it, so the knife couldn’t have played a role in Bryce’s death. Everyone kept searching for any clues to his death, but there was nothing inside the house that points toward his murder. Just as the detectives got there, Kyler found a dog in the backyard. It had just come out of its doghouse, but it was too dark to see it well. Kyler brought Eddy with him to look at the dog. As they approached the dog, they could see blood on it. They couldn’t tell if the dog was hurt too, or if it just got splattered with blood. When the dog saw Kyler and Eddy, it started to attack them. It scratched Eddy, but Kyler was never touched. They ran back inside and closed the door. Kyler called animal control, and they came and took the dog away. After the dog was contained, they ran tests on it. The police officers soon found that the blood on the dog was the blood of Bryce and that the dog was rabid. After running a few more tests, it was determined that the rabid dog attacked Bryce and killed him. They also found that the dog had attacked other people before, but none more reckless than this one. The dog was put down, and Kyler and Eddy were given praise for their work on the case.

The author's comments:

I hope the reader feels scared.

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