The Room | Teen Ink

The Room

August 27, 2024
By bbjorseth BRONZE, Leawood, Kansas
bbjorseth BRONZE, Leawood, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is October in Leawood, Kansas and Lucy and Arthur Beck just purchased their second house. It is move in day for the couple, and they are taking a tour of their new house. Everything seems normal at first and it looks just like the pictures of when they bought it. A few minutes into the tour, they discover a room they have never seen. Arthur, known for being a curious and intelligent man, goes into the room. They wonder why they have not seen this room before. However, without thinking about it too much, they continue on to the rest of the tour. The couple eventually finishes the tour, eats dinner, and goes to bed. The next morning Lucy, an interior designer, decides to take a further look into the newly discovered room. When she opens the door; however, it is different from the last time they saw it. The chairs were in different places, picture frames slanted; like someone has been there. Lucy tells Arthur about this news, but Arthur denies it. He makes a joke saying that the age is getting to her, and she is just making stuff up. Lucy accepts that it might just be the age, so they continue onto their day. The next morning, Lucy decides to check on the room again. This time, she was sure that the room was messed with. Chairs are flipped over and pictures fallen off of the wall. Lucy goes to Arthur to tell him her discovery. Arthur looks at the room himself and confirms that someone or something was in the room. Although the couple is scared, Arthur says that he will fix the room up again, put up a camera, and they will find out what is causing the disruption. However, after exiting the room, Arthur didn’t fully close the door to the room.

On the 3rd night in the mansion, the couple wakes up to loud banging from the kitchen. Arthur jumps out of bed, grabs his bat, and opens his door. When he opens the door, he discovers his whole house destroyed. He tells Lucy to stay in the room, but this is when he sees the spirit that is now haunting the whole house. Due to Arthur forgetting to fully close the door to the room, the spirit escaped, and now rules the whole house. Arthur, face to face with the spirit, attempts to swing his bat at it, but it is not phased. Lucy, now out of bed because of the commotion, witnesses Arthur floating in the air. Lucy, seeing what is happening, tries to run, but she is too late. The spirit had gotten her. Weeks later, with the mail piling up at the front doorstep, the mailman discovers them. The police investigate, but they have no clue what happened, and the case was closed. Later, a realtor bought the house, cleaned it up, and sold the house. The new homeowners have no clue of the history of the house.

The author's comments:

This is about a couple who are excited to start a new chapter of their life in their new house. The house has other plans. The Room is haunted by a spirit and soon takes over their whole house.

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