The Death Of The Miracle Child | Teen Ink

The Death Of The Miracle Child

January 3, 2024
By cwoissan SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
cwoissan SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 2 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
old godzilla was hopping around tokyo city like a big playground


14 year old Megan was walking to her school when she noticed something off. As she was walking across the concrete, a rancid stench wafted through the air. “Something smells rotten… Maybe it’s a dead animal,” Megan thought sourly. She moved towards the stench to inspect it. What she saw would scar her forever.

A lifeless body, in a severe state of rot, lay in the nearby forest. Megan, rightfully frightened, ran away from the scene and called the police. Her fingers frantically tapped the digital keys on her phone. “I saw a body! A human body!-” The call was cut off. A mysterious creature arose from the forest. It growled in a deep voice at her. Megan was not seen again.

Megan’s Home

“Rrrring! Rrring!” As Megan’s mother was working, she received a call from Megan’s school. “Hello? What’s going on?” she said. The receptionist replied with something she never thought she would hear: “Your daughter, Megan, was not at school today, m’am. She never showed up.”

Rightfully frightened, the mother stopped what she was doing and called her husband. “Honey, did you get the call from the school? Megan was not at school today! How could this happen?” The dad was worried as well.

Her mother frantically filed a missing persons report. Megan’s mom struggled with having children, so she was considered a “miracle baby” to her. Even the idea of losing her precious little girl brought tears to her eyes. Now her worst fear is becoming a reality. They conversed with the police and eventually set up an investigation.

The autumn leaves crunched beneath their feet as they investigated the scene. It was getting dark at this point, and so they turned their lights on to continue. As they continued searching, they found something. The mutilated body of a young girl was found at the scene. Her face was burned, so identification was difficult.

However, the circumstantial evidence present meant that it had to be Megan. Her parents bawled at the news. “Why would anyone do this?” her mother said. However, as more digging was done in the area, Megan was not the only corpse at the scene of the crime. Another corpse, in a further state of rot, with its face burned as well, was discovered, with the identity being unknown. As the police continued their search, they heard something. It sounded like another person was there. A growling noise was heard. They approached the location of the sound, with weapons drawn.

A shadowy figure with long matted hair and lanky proportions approached them. The police were rightfully frightened and called for backup. All of a sudden, a loud “BANG!!” was heard. The monster was shot dead. Now what happened to the victims? Nobody knows.

The case was kept secret. Only now the creature has risen again.

The author's comments:

Horror is fun to write, so here's a short story of mine.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 8 2024 at 7:21 am
cwoissan SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 2 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
old godzilla was hopping around tokyo city like a big playground

by the way, there are a few mistakes in here that i didn't realize earlier lol