Living without love | Teen Ink

Living without love

December 21, 2008
By Anonymous

It was an eerie night in Albury, Australia, Aasher Stewart a fifteen year old, open minded girl and her mother and father lived in a small house in the middle of the mountains. The night was getting late and her father had left to go find work in the city, he had to take a plane to get there, the plane cost them one whole months earning . The only way the family earned their money was by Aashers mother making cloths and blankets, she would then go into the neighboring town and sell her products. Aasher and her mom were getting nervous because her father Anthony, was supposed to have called her the morning that he got to the city. He was supposed to be at the city yesterday. As the clock ticked and hours went by they heard nothing from the missing Anthony.

Aasher didn’t have a very good relationship with her mother. Ever since her father left there has been no conversation in the house except for “What do you want to eat?” or maybe an occasional “What are you doing?” Aasher was really close to her father, and the last few days that he had been gone Aasher was having trouble sleeping but doesn’t go to talk to her mother because she thinks that she wouldn’t care. Aasher and her mother waited and waited for her dad to call but day after day they heard nothing! Aasher was starting to worry!

One evening Aasher and her mother went into the small town next to them to sell blankets. Business was bad that day! When they returned to the house there was a message on the answering machine the massage said:

“I hope I reached the correct people. I am looking for the Stewarts. I am Maxwell Williams and I am the president of Fly Blue Australia … I have some bad news for you folks, flight 180 has crashed! There were 3 survivors…sadly one of the 3 lucky people was not Anthony Stewart which I am assuming was a relative to you. I am sorry to tell you this news but we are having a service for Anthony and unknown others, in the city next Sunday. As our apology we are willing to pay for the price of the plane ride to the funeral ceremony and hotel room fee. Once again I am sorry! The plane tickets will be on their way via mail. Good bye. ”

Aasher and her mom looked at each other and where puzzled. Aasher broke down in tears and her mother said “go to your room, I need some time to think!” Aasher was wondering what was wrong with her mother and she then realized that it was going to be a long week!

Long days came and long days went and Aasher and her mom didn’t say a word for the rest of the week. When the plane tickets arrived on Monday. Aasher felt a little tense about flying with the plane company that just killed her dad. On Tuesday they took the plane into the city and Aasher was petrified. Aashers mother sat 3 rows behind her, she said that she wanted to be alone even though she knew that Aasher was scared. The young girl didn’t understand!

They arrived at the airport and Aasher and her mom met up again. There was a cab waiting for them at the door to bring them to the church where the funeral was. They entered the door and there was no one there to greet them except for Maxwell Williams, who greeted them with a smile, Aashers mom didn’t respond, so Aasher spoke for both of them. They went up to her fathers casket to say one last good-bye, as they walked up to look at him they looked at each other and embraced. Aasher went up to Maxwell, with her mom close behind, and told him that this was not her father! Aasher and her mom where amazed!

After Maxwell talked to Aasher and her mom they realized that they determined who the passenger was by tracing his pockets for an ID but instead they found a business card that said:

Aasher and her mom told him that this could have been a business man on the plane that her father gave his business card to, but they were positive that that wasn’t him! With high hopes Aasher and her mom went to see the 3 passengers that were in critical condition at the hospital hoping that one of them was Anthony. Maxwell said that they could take his limo to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital they saw the first patient. They were barely able to tell the gender of the person because their face was such a mess. The doctor came in and told them that it was a girl so there was no way of her being Anthony. Their hopes began to die when they were told that one of the other patients that was in critical condition had just passed away 3 hours ago. Aasher and her mother where praying and praying that the third patient would be Anthony, their missing father and husband.

Aasher and he mom were told that the third patient had been transferred to a different hospital where they did extreme surgeries. They began the 2 hour drive to the hospital. Maxwell took them to lunch at an expensive French restaurant. Max told them that the chance of this last person being Aashers dad was very slim, the odds were about 1 in 80. But they didn’t listen to him they just kept praying to God that he was in fact alive. Maxwell took great care of them, and he obeyed there every command just to make them happy! Aasher and her mother were very thankful for Max. Aasher and her mom just couldn’t get Anthony off their minds, so much that they couldn’t even eat!

When they arrived at the hospital they were directed to a room in the critical care unit. Aashers heart was in her throat when she entered the room. They saw a man holding a magazine in front of his face. Aasher almost threw up when she saw the hands of the man. And the fact that he was reading a Fishing

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 26 2021 at 12:33 pm
living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM, Coffeyville, Kansas
27 articles 1 photo 72 comments

Favorite Quote:
The roses are wilted
The violets are dead
The demons run circles
Round and round inside my head

I don't' understand was it her father?

on Oct. 26 2012 at 6:58 pm
AndriaGromley SILVER, Hillsdale, Pennsylvania
8 articles 2 photos 113 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away...

Honestly, this artical was written like a small child wrote it.