remorseful act | Teen Ink

remorseful act

September 8, 2023
By Claire_07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Claire_07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is no straight- forward way to deal with losing a loved one, James’s wife died 27 years ago today. “A credit due dementia” he thought of being with her just yesterday. A broken record on repeat for the world to hear. Through the deep sinkhole in his heart, he would never let go of his deepest secret, the one memory he could not let go of. The reason he felt so much guilt even when the court plead insanity. On that cold November night, he had turned the women he held so dear into a cold lifeless mannequin - “I don’t remember anything” said the clueless stone-faced James on trial all those years ago, little did he know there was a witness that would come for him…. Ever since his unwritten crime he has had nightmares depicting his clandestine crime. Thoughts of his wife wanting to take back the life he stole wanting to avenge his soul with the pain she felt.

The author's comments:

This piece is about an act of impulse on one sided false love.

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