the burned ones | Teen Ink

the burned ones

September 7, 2023
By markadiaz BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
markadiaz BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The burned ones

It was an early morning in the middle of summer at Ten Sleep Wyoming when Alejandro Paterina West woke to the sound of birds chirping. The first month of the summer has been slow for Alejandro.He got an F on his report card so Alejandro has been grounded.This entire month he has not had any electronics or social media.Thankfully Alejandro and his friends got walkie talkies for his 12th birthday so they could still communicate while locked away in his room. Recently there was rumors spreading about people living in the mountains that Alejandro’s friends keep telling him about.Alejandro did not care much because he wasn't the stupidstitious type, but he didn't mind sneaking out the house to go check out the mountains true or not.a few minutes later they decided to go tomorrow night because alejandro 's parents would be out for the night at their friends wedding. The next morning Alejandro's little sister Avery does as usual and bangs on the door “wake up breakfast is ready!”He got dressed and put his zombie chain on.Alejandro has always loved zombie movies and books since he knew he could easily survive them.Alejandro went to go downstairs until the sound of a car stopped him in his tracks. He looked out the window to see his aunt and two uncles step out the car and were walking to the house.Why were they here? Alejandro thought as he walked down the steps to the living room he heard his parents thanking Lisa for watching the kids.When Alejandro got to the living room he greeted everybody. Then he turned to go to the kitchen but was stopped due to what he just heard his aunt tell Avery”we're gonna have so much fun tonight”aunt Lisa said.Alejandro figured it out.Aunt Lisa was there to babysit.This meant he could no longer go to the mountains.Alejandro quietly slithered off to his room in sorrow.As he thought to himself he whispered “no this can't be. All I need is a plan.``.Alejandro heard his parents leave around 1:30 now all he needed to do was execute his brilliant plan. Alejandro opened his window and ran down the side walk.It took about 3 minutes of jogging to meet up with his friends on the last row of house before it was just mountains.he had three friends there.justin was tal,blonde and ,skinny.Mavin was short,black hair, blue eyes.Then there was Sara short,blonde, green eyes.they all wore hiking ,but he only had some snickers so he felt a little out of place.As Alejandro walked up to greet his friends he heard the sound of running behind him, and as he looked back he could not believe his eyes. Avery his little sister was running towards him.”Avery what are you doing here!”Alejandro screamed.”I didn't want to stay home with aunt Lisa, but I left a letter telling her we went out with friends.”Avery said sadly as she knew Alejandro was mad.”The merrier!”Justin yelled.”Fine, let's just go then.”Alejandro said, still angered that Avery followed.They all walked through the shrubs to the was now about 3:38pm and they were in the middle of the mountain trails.The group went off the trail to search the mountains up close when they saw a hole just big enough for a human to crawl through.The group traveled through the dark and gloomy cave, and they saw a couple of bottles and chip bags intel a sharp scream stopped them in their tracks.It sounded like it came from deep in the tunnel.They all started to argue about whether they should keep going, but Alejandro figured it was a trick. The scream was probably someone trying to scare people who wanted to check out the rumor. so they kept moving and a couple of minutes later the tunnel turned into a series of tunnels around ten feet high. After they realized more tunnels came to sight They thought they heard another scream to their left.It was fine though since Sara,Justin and Avery are still here.what? Where was Mavin? Alejandro could have sworn Mavin had been following them just a minute ago.”Come out and stop messing with us bro”Sara said quietly in fear.A second later they heard the running of not one but two people.”RUN!”Mavin yelled as he appeared from a tunnel behind them.Then something else followed running straight for them.They all ran towards the tunnel strait in front of them to get away from the black and red zombie looking creature the screams of his friends died down as he realized that Sara and Avery did not follow.It was just him and Justin running through the tunnels intel the tunnel stopped in a place that looked like a office/shrine.Alejandro squeezed his chain in fear because of the creature he just saw.There were several black and white picture of an explosion that happened many years ago.Alejandro picked a brown leather journal with tons of dust.Justin snatched the journal and started reading out loud”the people in the chemical explosion in 1947 have evolved into something unheard of.”Justin read.”they have taken in the chemicals and it made them stronger and was able to survive the explosion, but their bodies seem to be burnt to a crisp by the blast. I've been cut by one and I can see my skin turning black, and my body turning rock hard. ””And that's where the writing stops," said Justin.”then let's get the heck out!” yelled Alejandro.Alejandro realized that this was no longer a joke.Alejandro and Justin started to run back to where they first saw mavin again.Alejandro realized as that got back that Mavin had been sitting there and was holding a cut on his hand.Then Justin pointed to sara sitting in the corner holding the side of head neck as blood trickled down with Avery prattling about how to get back out.they all gather together and started to run back out.Alejandro had no time to tell his friends what would happen to them.Then as there neared the end of the tunnel they saw the burnt black and red creature.The creature started to run at them they swerved and dogged the creature and made it past.That’s when Alejandro saw the creature going right for Avery.Alejandro ran back to defend his sister.he kick the creature down and pick up Avery and ran with the little stamina he had left.Later as the friend group made it back to the shrubs and into the block of houses. Alejandro felt around his neck and didn’t feel his zombie chain.Then adrenaline ran out and he felt a sharp pain on his leg.Alejandro looked down to see that he had been cut.

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