WHY ME!? | Teen Ink


December 11, 2020
By living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM, Coffeyville, Kansas
living-dead-girl-666 PLATINUM, Coffeyville, Kansas
27 articles 1 photo 72 comments

Favorite Quote:
The roses are wilted
The violets are dead
The demons run circles
Round and round inside my head

Zoe hears footsteps outside the door. the lights turn off and a man walks in. Zoe moves to the further corner away from the door. " Zoe Zoe Zoe," said the man. "yes," asked Zoe. The man walks into the room. "Zoe Zoe Zoe," the man said again. Zoe moved against the wall moving right because the man walked to her left. she was right by the door then SLAM it shut on its own! "Zoe YOU know I can't let you escape. she had nowhere else to go. The man runs toward her and picks her up throws her over his shoulder and walks to the bed and throws her down on it. the man walks out the door and the lights turn on. through the door he says" and put on the blue nightgown" and he walks away. Zoe walks over to the dresser by the door. she takes off her clothes she has on now and puts on the blue gown. It's got a lacey black trim, spaghetti straps, a silky blue background, black cheetah print, and it's very short. It's so short when she raises her hands you could see her underwear. Zoe was so tired from everything she climbs into the bed and covers up with all 5 of the blankets there and falls asleep, not short afterward. Zoe Wakes up and looks around the room looks different the walls are brown instead of grey it looks like a fancy dining room in a castle. there is a table with a bunch of food on it and a note that says change into this and feast. next to the note, there is a bag filled with brown tissue paper. she takes the bag and pulls out all the tissue paper and there is a green old vikingish dress.  she changes again and she sits down to eat. then Zoe hears a voice outside the door. " Just get the girl and tie her up." " But sir she needs to get comfier." " no I Want her now".

The author's comments:

Read the first part 

And yes I know vikingish is not a word 

part 3 coming soon

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