In Kre?iciao | Teen Ink

In Kre?iciao

May 22, 2018
By E_Mill BRONZE, Decatur, Texas
E_Mill BRONZE, Decatur, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yeet." - Eli Miller, 2k18

In Kre'iciao, mankind found a savior. The Human Genome Project that had gained acclaim in the 90’s for cataloguing the genetic structure had kept its secret well. Genetic experimentation of the most dangerous caliber. Thousands of test subjects fell to the twisted project’s torture, until Jakobi Vretsnikobo rose from the ashes. Literally. The facility being used by the HGP had caught fire that night, after Jakobi had been restrained for aggressive behavior towards one of the head scientists. The fire had started normally enough, until the chemicals housed inside had caught fire as well, turning the fire purple and magnifying its heat. Jakobi’s chains had melted into his skin before the room collapsed around him, drowning out his screams of pain. In these burning, purple flames Jakobi had found redemption, and had been reborn. His skin cracked and turned black, purple blood filled his veins. He had become humanity’s saving grace.

That night, Kre?iciao burned. The country surrounding it scorched, not a single inch left untouched. Six hundred miles had been obliterated in the blink of an eye. A military force had been prepped and warned of some “supreme being” wreaking havoc in a small fishing village. An army of tanks approached the target, prepared to destroy whatever angry god had done this. And that was where they found Jakobi. In an instant, the tanks had been turned to dust, the men inside were left burning skeletons, the meat dripping off their bones. All had been left in a terrified scream, permanently showing their terror. Jakobi continued his rampage, approaching his country’s capital.

In every city he decimated, Jakobi spoke, “I am your salvation. I am the end times, accept your demise and be welcomed to the promise land. Reject my gift and feel the fury of a thousand stars.”

And in every city, he was rejected by all but one. Cynthia Krabinitski, an impoverished farmer, had starved for 2 decades, her life a tragedy by all standards. Her brother had passed in the spring, her parents long before that. She had no reason to continue living but had been afraid to leave until the purple angel had offered her deliverance. She felt no pain as the man enveloped her in fire, her body changing to match his own. Jakobi marched on, his disciple close behind. So they rebirthed the world in fire, and no force could stop them. Jakobi found eleven more followers, and through his teachings of flame showed mankind their folly. As world governments fell to the power of the almighty, they established their own. No longer were people separated by race, gender, location. The survivors united, and the few left lived in peace and love for the rest of their new immortality. All it had taken was their humanity.

The author's comments:

It's pretty disturbing. 

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