The Galaxy Far Away | Teen Ink

The Galaxy Far Away

May 24, 2018
By Anonymous

        Raaaawwwrrr! The zombie scream as if it wanted to eat us. My buddies Samantha, and Allyssa, were stuck trying to survive these zombies for months now. It is not easy running from place to place hoping not to get eaten. This all started, when the colonies decided to relocate to this far galaxy. We had our food supplies, water supplies and Medical supplies. There was just one problem moving to this galaxy. This galaxy or planet wasn’t tested to see if would have an effect on meat and dairy. Well, it did. Our colonies were in a rush to get out of the other place because of the broken dome. Luckily my buddies didn’t get infected by this infected food.
     “Hey Jack, we have to get going to the weapon facility” Samantha said. We all have heard of these legendary ray guns. These guns have enough blast to throw someone into a wall.
    “Jack I see a zombie over there. Let’s go this way.” Alyssa said. Alyssa lived her life in fear she would never do anything to risky. The black weapons facility was about a thousand feet farther. As we got closer to the building we began to see more zombies.
   “Guys I can’t do it. I’m going back.” Alyssa whispered, with a very scared look on her face
    “Come on Alyssa the team must stay together if we are going to get to the weapons to survive”. Jack said with his brave voice. There were hundreds of zombies, just barely able to stand at the doorway and there was a symbol made of blood saying do not enter.
      “Hey guys, I have idea maybe we can swing on this rope there at the roof.” Samantha explained. It was pretty risky, but it was worth a shot. Alyssa went first, she was 14. Then, Samantha who happen to be 16. Everyone made it over safe, now I grabbed on to the rope. I jumped, and … I didn’t make it! I was freaking out because there were so many zombies, but there was one very distinct zombie that threw me off. He had some techy brain thing on his head. He was also much bigger than the rest.
    “Weak human life form must become zombies.” The abnormal zombie spoke I screamed with all my life and ran. This zombie was really fast and he was chasing me. My friends stayed silent so they wouldn’t attract creepy zombies. Where do I go … where do I go I thought! THE VENT! I crawled in the vent and there I saw my friends.
     “Jack are you ok” Alyssa said with so much care.
      “Yes I’m …. Fine” I could barely breathe. I continued gasping for oxygen.
     “Whoa” we all said. There were shiny ray guns, hover cars, and mini teleporters.
      “Everyone suit up” we all grabbed a ray gun and Samantha grabbed a mini ray gun. Samantha was very weak so she couldn’t handle that kind of power. Her brother died in the army. That has changed her.
      “Rawwrrrrrr” the intelligent zombie broke the wall and was in there with us.
           “Everyone Shoot” we all shot the zombie multiple times hoping for him to explode and he exploded into 3 smaller cleaner zombies. These zombies look very harmless, but they weren’t these zombies could jumped on you a take control over your brain. We continued looking at the place.
            “Hey guys look what I found” oh my god there was an antibiotic serum for infections, we needed to distribute this to all zombies. This serum had a pink and orange glow to it. We could go to the top of the dome and pour it out through the hover cars new feature. We got a golden hover car and successfully got most of the zombies. Alyssa had taken the serum. She was final starting to become brave like I wanted her too. After we successfully got most of the zombies I saw my mom and my dad, I let down a single tear and hugged them. We told everyone the story about how this planet wasn’t right for our lifestyle. Lucky, they all believed us and stopped eating meat and milk on this planet. It began to rain. It was beautiful since we haven’t had rain since I was six traveling through multiple galaxy, I have never seen this before. I was just happy to be back with my family. I grew up with my foster parents. I don’t know my real parents.
     “I almost forgot we need antibiotics because there are still a few families that need to be resembled”, I said with pride. My parent, who was a scientist, began making the antibiotics. Well, we now know to experiment on planets before coming to them.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because my 9th literature teacher.

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