Baboosh | Teen Ink


December 1, 2017
By Anonymous

The sound of Sebastian's head hits the water as he attempts to get one last breath of air. Feeling the back of someone’s hand pushing him down, he hears the faint muffled sounds of cynical laughter. His head emerges from the dirty water. As his eyes open he feels the water dripping down his face, gasping for air. The tight grip on the back of Sebastian’s shirt eased up as he heard the three boys laugh. Konrad, Justin, and Ian, the school bullies, laugh to each other. The sound of the bathroom door slamming led Sebastian to believe he was alone.
“Finally, I’m alone”. He thought as he rested along the stall wall.
There he sits all alone in a ball, against the wall in the very first stall closest to the door in the boy’s bathroom. He chose that stall because who ever goes into the first stall? No one, which is why it was the perfect stall to hide away in. Konrad had bullied Sebastian all of their middle school career. As Sebastian sits and cries in the bathroom, he hears to door open, footsteps approach. He holds his breath so no one can hear his weeping. All Sebastian can see are the black nike’s and the black pants, feet stop in front of him. The mysterious person stops in front of the first stall, drops a mysterious bottle, and kicks it under the stall. While Sebastian is observing this strange bottle, he hears the door close. He sits in silence once again.
His eyes light up. “I know what this is! I used one of these in one of my magic tricks. It’s a magic lamp! I doubt it works though, just like last time… That was embarrassing”. Sebastian said as he shakes it see if it’s empty.  “Seems empty”. He concluded.
His hands around the magic lamp, as one of his tears hit the shiny gold metal, the lamp begins to rattle.
“What the-” Sebastian then quickly threw the lamp out of the stall and sat there in freight. Very carefully peering under the door and… nothing. The lamp was gone.
“HAHA! I am free! Who is the one who- uh, where I am?”. Said a strange man’s voice.
Sebastians gasps as he covers his mouth trying to be quiet, but it was too late. The gasp was way too loud.
“Who’s there!” Shouted the voice. “Come out where I can see you!”.
Sebastian stands up, knees shaking. The bathroom stall door creaks open and there he sees a genie. A real life genie! Right in front of his eyes.
“Hello. I am Baboosh! You have awoken me and for that I grant you three wishes. Choose wisely”.
“I can wish for anything?”.
“Anything. But be careful and wish wisely”. Baboosh warned.
Sebastian wondered for a long time before saying, “Does it work if I wish something on a person or persons? Like, bullies?”.
“I said anything didn’t I?”. Baboosh the genie asked.
“I used to be best friends with this guy Konrad, but then we started middle school a couple years ago, he became popular and a bully, and well, I didn’t”. Sebastian started rambling, “His friends; Ian and Justin, they aren’t even his friends. They just follow in his lead because no one wants to get bullied. So I think they just join in on the acts and get on Konrad’s good side. The three of them together though, they’re the biggest bullies in school”.
“Alright kid, I get it. Well, you have three wishes”. Baboosh suggested.
Sebastian stood back, and thought. He thought if he was seeing things, if he’s going crazy, or if this is actually happening and he had a chance to end his days of being bullied.
“Hey, three wishes tick tock”. Baboosh reminded.
“Oh right. Um. I think I got it.” Sebastian said. He knew he should do something about these bullies. His head ends up in the toilet at least five times a week. “Okay the first one is, I wish Konrad was my friend again, instead of my bully”. And just like that, Baboosh crossed his arms, one over the other out in front of him, and bobbed his head once.
Konrad peered into the bathroom, “Hey dude, there you are. You’re still coming over to hang out tonight, right?”, and walked out of the bathroom.
Sebastians head lit up, mouth wide open trying to hide his smile. “It worked! No frickin’ way! It worked! Okay, okay, second one, I wish Ian and Justin would no longer go to this school”. So once again Baboosh crossed his arms and bobbed his head signifying the deedful wish was done. They waited, but nothing interrupted their meeting in the bathroom.
“Maybe it didn’t work?” question Sebastian. Baboosh said nothing.
Sebastian decided to save his last wish until he thought of a good one. He walked out of the bathroom and the genie followed into the hallway. Sebastian saw Konrad in the hallway and the re found friends waved to each other. Sebastian was puzzled. No Justin, no Ian. That was strange seeing they were attached to Konrad’s hip. Maybe it did work. While Sebastian continued to walk down the hall, he heard other students whisper, some crying. He walked past the board hung up in the hallway that was plastered with school news. There he saw Ian and Justin's’ pictures. The wording that followed the pictures stated that Ian and Justin were walking home when they were suddenly struck by a drunk driver.
“Hey! Baboosh! I didn’t mean to kill them! I just wanted them to move to a different school! Like the one that’s on the other side of town!” Sebastian exclaimed. He panicked, eyes shifting from one direction to the next. Sebastian knew he didn’t directly do it, but the guilt flourished through his veins.
“Baboosh. You have to undo my wish!” Sebastian said as his voice trembled. Baboosh sat there shaking his head left to right. Suddenly, Sebastian got an idea.
“Baboosh, I would like to make my third and final wish… I wish for everything to go back to exactly the way it was”. Knowing this would make Konrad and Sebastian no longer friends, he knew what he had to do. Baboosh raised his arms and bobbed his head.
Before he knew it, he once again heard the muffled cynical laughter with the pressure of someone’s hand against the back of his head. When he came up, he gasped for air with the water dripping down his head. When opening his eyes, Baboosh was gone as he was in the first bathroom stall. Everything was back to the same way it was before. His third and final wish, had come true. Upon exiting the bathroom, Sebastian sees Konrad, Ian, and Justin leaning up against the bulletin board. Walking past the group head down, Sebastian stops in his tracks and turns around to approach the group.

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