abcde | Teen Ink


December 21, 2016
By Anonymous

Nate and Cameron were inseparable ever since they were kids. Now 27 and 22 they are still inseparable. Nate always thought that it was his responsibility to keep an eye on Cameron ever since their mom was killed. Their mom was killed by a supernatural being in 1983. Their dad was always out looking for the thing that took his wife away from the supernatural. Now all grown up Cameron is in college and Nate is still out goofing off. Nate never went to college, he followed in his dad's footsteps, hunting supernatural beings. Last year Nate’s girlfriend Sarah died the same way their mom died. When he learned what killed Sarah, he knew that whatever it was it had to die. This supernatural thing kept taking the people that he loved away from him. The last 6 months Nate has been writing Cameron letters, emailing, calling and texting him, but Cameron doesn't want anything to do with him. Nate decides to go to Cameron and drag him out of school to hunt supernatural beings.
Two weeks later; They have been in 7 different cities since they started working together. They have already killed 8 ghosts/demons. None of them being the blue eyed warlock that killed their mom. Finding no luck they pack their things up and go to New Orleans. “Cammy i give up, man” Nate says. “This warlock that killed mom probably doesn't even exist anymore”
“Don't touch my car Cameron with your greasy hands” Nate says getting in the car with a burger in his other hand “i like this car more than i like you.” Cameron rolls his eyes and says “Let's get on the road.” On their way to New Orleans Cameron is reading the New Orleans paper about missing, injured and sick people. The newspaper reports that there is a pattern of victims, disappearing around the same place and  around the same time. “It says here they all went missing between 1am-3am,all missing in the same area and they’re all “Nate check this out.. You think this is something worth investigating?” Nate reads the paper and shakes his head “I don't think this is our gig man but we can check it out.”
“So i've been looking at creatures that fit the profile for all the sick missing people and it says here that the “Charasbagis” just has to touch you on the forehead and you get sick and you have 4 days before you die… and it has no cure.” Cameron reads. With determination in his voice Nate says “Lets get this sun of a gun so its not killing any more innocent people.”
Later that day, they check into a hotel room, so they can have a place to set up camp. They wait until the town is so quiet you can hear a tumbleweed roll across the empty streets. Flickering with yellow streetlights and traffic lights going from red, green and yellow. The dark alleys seemed like a good place for the demon to hide so that's the first place they look. The first alley they look down they hear things, they know they got good luck with this hunt. They get prepared for a long fight. Little did they know this fight wasn't going to last very long at all, it could even be the last fight they have.
“Cammy watch out!!” Nate screams in the dark alley while the Charasbagis was going after Cameron. “Nate this thing is strong i don't think we're gonna be able to kill this thing” Cameron stabbed it over and over again but it just kept coming back almost like it was stronger. “Nate we need to get out of here, we’re not gonna be able to win this. At least not toni-” he was cut off by the demon that had touched him on the arm. The demon ran off without looking back. Nate and Cameron stared at each other blankly. Cameron scared that he was gonna die and Nate scared to lose his baby brother and his best friend. He felt like he had failed himself, his mom, his dad and Cameron.
“Nate I don't want to die!” Cameron cried out.. “We have to find a cure.” “Cameron there is no cure. I think it only gets worse from here.” A tear rolled down Nate’s eyes, he punched the floor over and over again as he knelt beside Cameron. “I'm going to get this cure even if it's the last thing i do or if i have to go half way across the country, you’re not dying, Cameron. You can’t.” Nate struggles to pick cameron up but don't hesitate to keep picking his brother up. “Lets get you home so you’re comfortable.”
It has been 8 hours since the demon touched Cameron. Nate has not put a book down, trying to find the cure. Pacing back and forth in their small dark hotel room, Nate keeps cursing and throwing things. Nate is mad at himself and the demon for going after his little brother. “Why Cameron? Why not me?” he keeps mumbling. “I'm going to kill this thing.”‘
“Mom? Is that you? Mom help me!! Please mom, don't leave mom!” “Cameron wake up it's just a dream!!” Nate throws water on cameron. It's day 3 and it's only getting worse. Cameron is suffering and he can't handle it. “Nate I-i-i i can’t handle it, just kill me now, put me out of my misery” “NO!!” Nate yells. “You’re going to get through this “I’m going back out tonight to kill this thing that did this to you.” “No if you g-go out there a-a-and it touches you y-y-you’ll die” “Cam listen to you. You can barely get out a sentence without passing out. Now i'm going out there and killing the thing and you’re not stopping me” Nate gathered all of his hunting tools and he covered up his skin so that if the demon were to touch him it wouldn’t effect him. Nate thinks that if he kills the demon it will cure Cameron. There's no cure because no one has killed the demon but if the demon dies there is nothing linking the demon and the disease so if the demon dies so does the disease.  “Get some rest, cammy. You'll feel better before you know it.”
It is dark out now and Nate is ready to hunt. They walk to the alley that they were at last night. Once at the alley, Nate hears a noise, so he knows he's in the right place. The Charasbagis isn't far from him. He knows he is in for the toughest fight of his life, but he goes in with his head held high. “Where is the demon i'm going to kill it” he thought to himself. He sees it shadow and he lunges at it. He stabs it in the arm and the demon throws him off and he hits a brick wall. Nate gets up and as he goes to stab the demon the demon touches him. Nate covered his body head to toe so it didn’t face him and he stabbed the demon over and over again in the hand until a green ooze came out “AAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHUJSIDH” the demon screemed out and nate finished him off by decapitating him. Nate caught his breath as he watched the demon disappear in a cloud of dust.
Nate ran to the hotel to check on Cameron. Nate was scared that he was going to be too late and Cameron was going to be gone for good. He ran into the room “Cameron. CAMERON?! Are you okay!? Where are you cameron??” nate was screaming. Cameron was laying in the bed. “Nate shut up. I feel better, im a little sore but ill be fine. What ever you did it works. Thanks man. I love you. “I love you too”

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