Invention Gone Wild | Teen Ink

Invention Gone Wild

October 25, 2016
By alex_warner BRONZE, Claypool, Indiana
alex_warner BRONZE, Claypool, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

BEEP…. BEEP…. BEEP…. BEEP! “Ahh…. I’m late!” Kyra screams as she’s jumping out of bed. Kyra ran to the kitchen to find a note.
I left early today for work and won’t be home till midnight tonight. I also left you a cup of coffee in the microwave. By the way, mom and dad want us to eat dinner at their place tomorrow night.
     Love, Ty
Kyra put her coffee I the microwave to get warm, threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt, and put her long blonde hair in a ponytail and was out the door. Kyra was driving seventy miles an hour through the dark, silent city on her crotch rocket to get to work on time. She got to work with three minutes to get inside.
When Kyra got inside some people said good morning and she went into her office and shut the door behind her. Inside she plumped onto her love seat in the corner. Her eyes started getting heavy and soon she drifted off into a deep nap.  She awoke freaking out thinking she had slept too long but she soon figured out she had only slept for a half an hour. She got right to work once she could keep her eyes open.
The invention that she was working on was a robot monkey that helps a human in need of any type of help or any human that wants to purchase one just to have one. Kyra has only built the body of the monkey but it still needs improving before she adds anything else to it. Right now she is working on improving the brain to make it smarter so it can do anything you tell it to.
About four hours had past of Kyra working on her invention. She got done with just the brain in that four hours. She went on a lunch break when she came back she had found that the monkey had disappeared. She was searching everywhere for the monkey.
“What is this thing?!” a lady in her office screamed.
Kyra ran out of her office and saw that the monkey had put itself together and had a mind of its own. Kyra chased the monkey for a good half hour and finally caught it and put it in a cage. Everyone left the office building after that incident. Kyra was the last person to leave the office because she had to make sure the monkey was locked up in her office where she thought it wouldn’t escape, before she could go home.
Kyra came home and plumped on the couch. Ty came out of his bedroom and sat on the couch next to Kyra. He propped his feet up on the coffee table, and ran his hand through his blonde wavy hair. Kyra turned on the television and Ty’s blue ocean colored eyes darted to the television as soon as he heard that it was his favorite show. Ty started up a conversation.
“How was your day?” asked Ty.
It was an okay day.” sighed Kyra.
“That’s good, I guess.” Ty responded.
They both watched the television for about two hours or so, then they both headed for bed.
Kyra woke up the next morning and did the same routine she does every morning to get around for work. Kyra left a little early today so she could get to the office before anyone else arrived.
She opened the front door to the office and discovered that the place had been destroyed, it looked like a tornado had gone through the place.  She heard the monkey in one corner but she also heard another one on a different side of the room. Kyra was looking around the office confused because she had only made one monkey so far.
Kyra heard more and more monkeys as she walked through the office. Kyra finally came upon her office and silently opened her door. She peaked over the side of the door and saw what looked like a duplicator that had been made.
I didn’t make one of those…... Kyra thought to herself oh no, the monkey must have taken on a mind of its own and made more of itself!!  
Kyra sprinted back out of her office and noticed that the office was dead silent and no monkeys were in sight. She hurried up and locked her office door, put the key in her pocket, and ran out of the office. She was panting as she was trying to drive her crotch rocket through down town to try and find all the monkeys that had taken off out of the office.
Kyra spotted some in an alley way. She grabbed them and tore off their heads since that was the only way to destroy them. She rode through the city to try and find the other monkeys. She had remembered that there were only twelve monkeys. She already tore of ten of the monkey’s heads now she just needs to find the other two. It took her about ten minutes before she discovered they were swinging from the light poles beside her. Kyra somehow reeled the monkeys close enough to grab ahold of them and tear their heads off.
After Kyra searched and tore all the monkeys heads off that were left, she headed back to her office to clean up the mess the monkeys had made. When Kyra opened the door to the office she saw her boss standing there tapping his foot with a face that was looking for an explanation on why the office looked the way it did and where she had been.
Kyra explained everything from the moment it happened and the moment it ended. Her boss wasn’t too impressed on what happened but he didn’t fire her for her actions. All he was tell her to clean the place up and not let it occur again. As she was told she cleaned the place till it sparkled. She also had to destroy the duplicator while she was at it.
Kyra left the office and headed for home but then she remembered that her parents wanted to have dinner tonight with her and Ty. She speed over to her parents’ house and walked inside feeling exhausted from all the running around she had done.
Inside her parents’ house sat everyone at the dinner table waiting on her. Kyra apologized for being late then sat down and grabbed herself a plate and started pilling food onto it. They all shared what was going on in their lives as they were eating and Kyra’s life was by far the most interesting out of everyone else.  The rest of Kyra’s night was relaxing and calm.

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