A very long day | Teen Ink

A very long day

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

I climb out of the warm safety of my bed and was immediately met by the cold October air. I walk into the hallway quickly trying to make it to the bathroom before someone sees me.
        “Hey Charlie don't forget to take your medicine,” my brother Matt yells from the doorway of his room. It’s just matt and I in this little house. We moved up to Maine from New York after our mom died a few months back. It’s been hard on the both of us Matt’s got me on some kind of anti-depressants medicine. I swear they’re making me nutty though.
I reach the bathroom door and lock it behind me. I walk over to the mirror and start to wash my face. When I look up into the mirror I could’ve sworn I saw something go behind the towel rack.
“Maybe I’m just going insane,” I muttered to myself. I run my hand through my curly mop of hair trying to tame the floofy mess when I see it again.
“That's it, I'm actually insane. I got a whole two hours of sleep last night. I'm seeing things,” I said turning around to face the rack. I see the towel move.
“Matt, I think we might have mice again.” I said in an annoyed tone.
  “No, don’t call him in here I need to talk to you.” I hear a little voice say from behind the towel.
“WHAT IN THE WORLD? NOPE I’M JUST A SMALL BOY, NOT READY TO DIE’’ I yelled bolting for the door, but before I could reach it a little figure with wings was in front of my face,it was about the size of my hand.
“ As I said I need to speak with you, it’s very urgent.” the creature said
“Am I dreaming?” I asked.
“No. How could you be” the creature flew over next  to my ear and pinched it with his microscopic fingers.
“Ouch what was that for.” I asked rubbing my ear.
“To prove you’re not asleep. Wow, you humans are slow; they were right.”
“Calm down, my name is Sammy, I am a fairy and I need your help”
“Am I insane?” I asked
“No,no,no. We’ve been over this you’re not insane and you’re not asleep,” He said looking a little angry.
“Okay, ummm, why do you need my help. You could have asked Matt.” I asked 
“You seemed nicer than the big one,  apparently I was wrong.”
“No,no,no I’ll help… or I can try. This is just a lot to take in that you’re a……..”
“Fairy,” Sammy finished.
“Yeah… that.”
“ Anyway as I’ve been trying to say I need your help or, we need your help, I suppose. We, as in myself and the other good creatures.”
I felt as if I would pass till he started snapping in my face and talking louder.
“You need to be paying attention…..”
“Charlie,” I finished
“Yes, Charlie that’s it. Anyhow all the creatures are going to war, myself included, with the corrupted creatures. We need your help or all of fairy kind will be destroyed, along with  this town and everyone in it.”
“Ummmm when is this.. War?” I asked, my voice leaking confusion.
“NOW, you buffoon. We don’t usually get humans involved in these types of things, but my commander thought it would be a good idea to get you involved. I don’t agree at all. I do not like you humans very much so far.”
“Well, don’t sugarcoat it,” I mumbled. “Okay okay what do I need do to help?” I asked.
“First of all, we're going to need to get your idiot brother involved in the plan, the more of you the better.” The next thing I know is I'm busting into Matt's room with no idea of what I’m going to tell him.
“Hey, Charlie. What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” He said.
“Ha I wish,” I mumbled under my breath. “But that's not the point. I need your help, so apparently fairies and things of fantasy are real, and just so happens that they’re at war. A fairy asked for our help and I don’t want to go by myself so pleasecomewithmepleaseeeeee,” I said, quite out of breath afterwards.
“Listen, Charlie I know you’re upset about…. Mom, and your surgery getting delayed again. But do you really need to be making things up. I mean really, faries,” He chuckled.
“Oh my gosh. Okay fine, I’ll just get Sammy. Sammy? Sammy? Where are you? Matt doesn't believe me. I need you to come….” But before I could finish Sammy was right up in Matt’s face yelling at him.
“How dare you laugh at faries. If it wasn't for us you people would have nothing, nothing I say. Who do you think makes flowers grow or leaves fall? Or seasons change? We need your help unless you want this town to be destroyed and everything in it. Or you want to permanently be in winter!” Sammy yelled in a frustrated tone, leaving Matt a little shaken up.
“I’m..I’m..I’m sorry I’ll..I’ll help,” Matt stuttered
“Good. We leave for my camp right now.

I shivered as we walked out into the brisk fall air. I could hear leaves crunching under my heavy Doc Martin boots as we headed for the woods.
“So, uhh Sammy, where is this camp of yours?” I asked him
“ Oh it’s in the canopy and branches of the largest three oak trees. Right now you’re much too big to come up there I’ll have to shrink you down to fairy size beforehand” he said, as if it was nothing.
“Fairy w..what?” Matt asked
“Matthew, I do not have times to repeat myself, keep up. I’m going to shrink you down to fairy size. It lasts for three hours and then you’ll go back to your people size.” Matt looked as if he might cry, I tried not to laugh.
“You good man?” I asked.
“Um yeah, yeah I think. It’s just a lot to take in in 10 minutes.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“We're here.” Sammy said as we stopped walking. “This might pinch a little.” Sammy said flying over and pricking my nose. I think I passed out because when I came to I was laying on the ground and Matt was being chased by a bullfrog twice his size.
“CHARLIE IT’S GONNA EAT ME!” he screeched, sprinting away from a bullfrog twice his size.
“You idiot Matthew, get away from the frog,” Sammy said.
I got up from the ground standing at my full height of about 2 ½ inches, while Matt was standing at about 4. I looked up at the tree which seemed about 100 times bigger than before
“Sammy how do you suppose Matt and I will get into the tree without wings?”
“I'll have to pull you up with the swing, just hold on.” he said zipping up the tree and dropped this piece of wood down that was attached to two strings.
“Sit, I'll pull you up,” Sammy yelled from the top of the tree. Matt and I sat down and started to be pulled up the massive trunk.
  Once we arrived to the top we quickly noticed how big this “ little” camp was. It was across the span of three trees with little huts for each individual fairy, I was assuming.
“Sammy? Sammy? Oh my goodness where is that kid,” I heard someone yelling. Sammy groaned looking  like he'd rather be somewhere.. Anywhere else. The person that was yelling walked over to us.
“ Oh Sammy there you are. These are the humans I'm assuming,” She looked Matt and I up and down and said “ Huh…. Expected them to be a little bit bigger. Anyhow, my name is Jamie, and we have a ton of work to do before the battle tonight, so hop to it.” Jamie walked off and we started following Sammy down a path of what looked like pebbles.
“Jamie is my commander. She is the one that sent me to go and retrieve you two.”
“So is Jamie a fairy or..?” I asked Sammy
“Oh, Jamie is a Sprite. Sprites can change sizes, a normal human size is about as big as they can get. Sprites also change from gender to gender to appeal to possible partners,” Sammy said as we walked past another group of fairies. We walked into one of the larger huts.
“Alright guys, this is where we will do your training for tonight's battle.” They walked over to a cabinet that took up the entire wall of the hut and opened it.
“Okay so these are your armor and weapons. They are charmed to change sizes with you guys. Originally meant for sprites but will work just as well on humans.” Sammy took out a sword the size of my forearm and chucked it towards me. Naturally I screamed and ducked out of the way. Sammy laughed and grabbed a sword for Matt along with armor for the both of us.
“ Woah look how cool I look,” Matt said to no one in particular, after we had all our armor on.
“Oh yah you look rad man,” I joked, because I thought the armor was a bit much. The sword also scared me.
“Okay listen up you two we have about two hours until you go back to your normal size and until the battle starts. We need to start training right now. First task is to cut the dummy's head off” Sammy said rolling out a couple of fighting dummies on a cart towards.
“Oh boy this is gonna be a long two hours. “ I grumbled

  An hour and 45 minutes later I had the starts of bruises
all along my legs and cuts up and down my arm, but I felt like I was ready for the battle. Matt just looked emotionally unstable.
“Alright guys I think you two will do great at the battle, I'll be right these with you during the fight. If we put in all we've got we might just pull through and win.” Sammy said looking more hopeful than before now.  “Gotta get you to the bottom of the tree before time catches up with us though” they said pushing us through the doorway.
I sighed standing on the ground at my full height. Sammys spell had worn off and Matt and I were at our full height. Matt clapped me on the back and said.
“Are you ready for this battle that we may or may not die in.”
“As I'll ever be.” I said back. Sammy flew up behind us and said
“Okay guys, we’re meeting everyone else at the battle field. Which is the clearing about a mile away,” We left feeling a little uneasy.
As a group we walked up to the battlefield. My sword attached to my waist. All of the creatures and fairies fighting on our team stood in a line, heads held high and hands positioned on on their weapons. The sprites were now as tall as Matt and I. The fairies flew above our heads. On the opposite side of the field along the line of trees I could see shadows, moving signaling that the enemy was here. They stepped out together in one big cluster of ugly looking trolls and sprites that had gone bad, dressed in black shiny armor. The wind blew through the trees making some crunchy leaves fall. And that was it, the two groups started charging at each other. It all happened so quickly.
I was face to face with one of the bad sprites.
They laughed at me and snarled.
“How foolish for those dumb fairies to bring humans into this war,” but before they could say anything else or I could respond Matt stabbed his sword through it, a terrified look on his face. A troll was quick to refill the sprite’s place. I plunged my sword through its chest before it could try to do anything to me. I turned around looking for Matt to show him my success in killing the enemy when I saw he was pinned down onto the ground by another troll.
“MATT!” I yelled running over to him and stabbing the troll in the back (literally) before he could hurt him.
“Thanks man,” He said, getting up with my help. I looked around nothing that there was no more fighting going on.
“Did we win?” I asked Matt
“I think so,” He said back sounding a little confused.
“WE WON!” I yelled turning to Matt and hugging him.
“YEAH MAN, IT WAS SO GOOD!”  Sammy flew over to us and started talking.
“We've won. Thank you two so much for the help, we couldn't have had this victory without it. You boys are greatly appreciated. But I'm afraid we're not really allowed to have people know fairies,sprites,trolls,and other things exist.
“ what does that mean?” Matt asked sounding concerned.
“Well, it means I'll have to put a spell on you that will erase your memory from the past 24 hours. It will make this all seem like a dream. I'm so sorry I really honestly don't want to these are orders directly from my commander. I've grown fond of you two even though earlier I thought I'd never like you”
“Hey!” Matt said sounding offended
“MaTTHEW be quiet I'm trying to have a heartfelt moment.”
“Sorry go on”
“Alright, Anyways I'm sorry guys. “ Sammy said flying over and pricking my nose.


I woke up thinking I had just had the weirdest dream of my life. When I saw a note on my pillow that said. “Stay strong kid, thanks for all the help. - Sammy”

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