Life Changing Experience | Teen Ink

Life Changing Experience

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

 We walked along the beach at the end of the world, holding hands for the last time. We talked about what could have happened in the future…but it will never be. After talking we went silent and you can hear your surroundings, the sea hawks making their cawing sounds, the sun was setting and it was beautiful, Elijah was enjoying the scenery while kicking the sand. Then out of the blue it turns gloomy ,We came upon a cave and Elijah insisted on going in to “explore”, until we heard a rumbling sound coming the inside of the cave. I look at Elijah with wide eyes.

“I think we should leave, NOW” I said fearfully
“We should go in and see what’s making the sound.. Please?” Elijah says with a sad face
“okay whatever but then we’re leaving” I reply.
Elijah and I go into the cave , there were markings on the cave walls in a different language that neither of us understood. We continued to walk farther in and the farther we walked in the darker it gets, I turn on the flash on my phone and looked at my surroundings ,there were more of the ancient language and there was moss growing all around the cave. Then there was a beam of light as we walked farther in , we came upon a wider section of the cave an there was a wide sized hole on the ceiling of the cave that you could see the moon through. Elijah followed the beam of light from the moon to where it was shining its light on and saw it was shining on a diamond that was giving off a ray of vibrant colors, I picked it up and everything started shaking so I put it back down quickly and I turned around to Elijah and didn’t see him anywhere. I searched the whole cave.
I said sobbing until I thought that maybe if I picked up the diamond again he would come back , so I went back to the exact spot and picked up the diamond and turned around.
“Elijah!, Where were you ?! .. I picked up the diamond and everything started to shake and you were gone”.
“I don’t know what happened but I got up and I was in a wood house, your dream house Savannah! And you were there but older and I was there and then there were two kids , a girl and a boy ages 4 and 7 playing with their toys in the living room while you made breakfast and I was sitting at the table drinking coffee…I don’t like coffee though but I must love it when I get older” he said
“what? ….so this diamond in this cave with ancient writing can take you to the future! I want to see it Elijah” I replied
“Maybe if you hold on to me and we both pick up the diamond we could go back to it and maybe stay…forever so we can be together?” Elijah said
“Yes, I would like that” I said
So we held each other and picked up the rock together and went to the future. It was everything he told me, my family was there and his family was there also ,It was perfect… it wasn’t the end of the world but the beginning of an even better beautiful world, and whoever picks up that diamond goes to their own beautiful world.

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