the three pigs went wrong | Teen Ink

the three pigs went wrong

May 23, 2016
By tiffanyabby BRONZE, Katy, Texas
tiffanyabby BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago there were three pigs and three wolves.  When their ancestors met, they were good friends until one day the both saw the cutest deer they had ever seen. They both loved him and always knew that one of them was going to marry him. Until the time came, they always shared secrets about him to each other, but then one day the pig went up to the deer and confessed her love for him. Ever since then, their families HATED each other.
One day three pigs were on a morning walk and they started to realize they were going nowhere in life. “We should go see a wizard to see what happens in our future” said the middle pig.  The pigs all agreed and made their way downtown.  But what they didn’t know is the three wolves overheard them and decided to end the pig family.
The pigs arrived downtown and saw a wizard sign and went there.  The three pigs walked in and sat down in a dark room with one chair in front of them.  Seconds later a wizard came in and sat down while greeting them.  What the pigs didn’t know was the wizard was a disguised wolf and he was about to trick the pigs so he could kill them.
The pigs asked the “wizard” how to build a house that won’t get blown down by the wolves.  The “wizard” said to build a house using feathers, cotton, and grass.  The pigs thanked the “wizard” and started building their houses.
After the pigs finished building their houses and were cozy they went to sleep.  The next day they woke up and went to the youngest pig’s house, which was made out of cotton.  The pigs were doing puzzles when they heard a knock on the door.  “Three pigs, three pigs, let me in” said the three wolves together.  The pigs were shocked but remembered that the wolves couldn’t blow the house down.  The pigs stood in silence, and then the wolves started huffing, and puffing, and blew the house down.  The three pigs ran to the oldest pig’s house and hid.  After hours of no wolves, they decided to go to sleep.
At three o’clock in the morning, the pigs heard a slightly different knock, but then heard “three pigs, three pigs, let me in”.  At that moment they knew the wolves were back but insisted they stay quiet.  “I know you are in there”, said the three wolves in a suspicious voice.  The three pigs ran to the room as they saw shadows getting closer to the house.  All of a sudden, they heard huffs and puffs and they knew what was about to happen wouldn’t be good!  Piles and piles of grass flew over them anas the three pigs quietly ran to the third pig’s house made of feathers.
As they got to the new house, they knew it wouldn’t be safe to go to sleep now.  They thought about how the wizard was wrong and why he had said all the stuff if it wasn’t true.  They heard footsteps and knew they had to be quiet.  “Three pigs, three pigs, let me in” they heard in more of a mean voice.  It was silent until they heard a bang on the door.  The three pigs were with fear and it fell silent again.  The first pig started to talk when all of a sudden the last house fell down.  The pigs ran out of the house as fast as they could and found a playground to hide in.  The pigs hid until they were sure the wolves were gone.  The pigs were tired of running and starting plotting revenge to kill the wolves.  After they would invite the wolves over to a wolf party, they would kill them.
The pigs built a brick house and set out an invitation to the wolves.  When the wolves arrived, they talked for a little while and then the pigs asked them to start a fire while they got the food out.  After the fire was started, the pigs snuck up behind the wolves and pushed them into the fire.  The wolves were dead!
The pigs were filled with joy as they built their new houses.  The pigs lived happily ever after and never had to rebuild their houses.

The End!

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