Star Fox | Teen Ink

Star Fox

May 9, 2016
By Coolawesome0 BRONZE, Highland, Ut, Utah
Coolawesome0 BRONZE, Highland, Ut, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Fox McCloud. I am what you would guess: a fox. My team and I fly around the galaxy hoping to find some baddies to fight. My team consists of three members. Falco, a blue falcon, Slippy toad, a frog(Who is very annoying.) And Peppy the bunny. Peppy is the older one who is kind of the adult.
Falco was staring at the tv playing some stupid video game. “OHHH COME ON, THAT WAS NOT MY FAULT,” he then threw his controller at the tv screen. Slippy hopped up over a couch. “Oh, poor baby Falco just wast his wittle game, yes he did, yes he did.” Said Slippy antagonizing Falco. “Shut up tadpole!” Falco shoved his feet upwards and the couch went flying with Slippy in it. Slippy walk funny after he got out of the couch. Hmph, some team. I thought to myself. “WHAT WAS THAT” Peppy looked like he had just got out of bed. “NO HORSING AROUND LIKE THAT ANYMORE! WE TALKED ABOUT THIS BEFORE.”
“Calm down Peppy!” I said. “Don’t you think they are annoying too.” Peppy sounded very ticked off. “Relax, just letting Falco know that he is pretty darn bad at that game.” “I will use you as a meat shield, tadpole.” They started up again.
“Alright that is enough! If we can’t act like a team that let's not be a team.” I said like I was giving a motivational speech. “Fine whatever. But when he gets near me again I get the first shot.” Falco says pointing at Slippy. Slippy replies, “FEATHER FACE!”
“THAT IS IT, I HAVE JUST ABOUT-” Peppy gets interrupted by a computer monitor. Blinking red. WARNING: CORNERIA OUTBREAK! Corneria is in the center of the universe, the floating city. Falco’s eyes narrowed “Well what are we waiting for let's go!?”
“Alright Star Fox squad, MOVE!” I shouted.
Peppy, Falco, Slippy, and I were running through a long giant hallway, and then we were met with a circular chute. “Jump now!” Peppy said, like he was finally coming to after his “nap”.
The chute opened up and all of us jumped through simultaneous. We landed in our hangar right into our ship’s: AR-Wings. The inside of my ship was compact and had many buttons. With a oval shaped steering wheel that popped out at me. The glass over me was tinted with blue, so that the people on the outside could not see me. The ship had the shape of a jet, but could do so much more.
“Testing, one, two, any one there.” Slippy’s face appeared on a screen a little under the steering wheel. This was the comms channel were we would communicate.
Falco’s face appeared, “Yeah, I hear loud and clear, AND A LITTLE TO LOUD.” Slippy just stuck his tongue out. (Which was long and grossed all of us out.) I replied back saying “Okay when we get down to Corneria, shoot anything that shoots at you. Understand.”
“Finally some bad guys to shoot.” Falco said very excited. “Hey everyone I put some new lenses in the back of your seat. They will help us aim your cannons better.”
I reached back behind my seat and out on my hand looked like a head set with a green lense. “Alright.” Peppy’s face then appeared.
“Okay, opening the garage. Stand by.” Said Peppy.
Then these huge doors opened. We were not met with ground, what you see is space. You see my team and I have our very own base of command out above Corneria. We live their. 
We all flew out in a straight path, we were heading for the Corneria right beneath us. Immediately we all notice something is not right. “Do you guys see this.” Slippy points out the smoke leading into the blue sky. “No I CAN’T SEE WHAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF US SLIPPY!” Falco is such a hot head.
We all drop down from the clouds, Falco first. Then I hear gunfire. Falco is shooting right away. The giant tower at the outskirts of the actual city is falling down. Big mechanical spiders with a red weak spot are climbing it.
Falco, Slippy, and Peppy are all shooting at these. I am staying high. I see that there are barracks placed all around the tower, just unloading the spider’s.
I get a call. I swipe up on the computer monitor. “STAR FOX IS THAT YOU!?” It’s Commander Pepper. A dog with serious power. “Commander are you alright?” I ask as calmly as possible. “It’s Andross’s army, they are after me.” C. Pepper is in deep trouble. “Alright I am coming as fast as I can!” I zoomed into action pulling a full reverse and dropped down as close to the streets as possible. “Be careful Fox.” Slippy says. “I always am.” The thought of the commander saying the name: Andross clouded my mind. How could he be back. If this is his army, we are in some serious trouble.
I blasted so many spiders I lost count. I had to take out the ones on the tower to get to the commander. I stopped my ship in mid hover right next the glass between me and the commander at the top of the tower. “Are you alright Commander Pepper.” I ask Him on the intercom. 
“I will be!” He said.
I sprung low saying to the commander: “I will be back!”
Falco was tied up by enemy forces. Slippy was there just in time to blow them away. “Thanks Slippy.” Falco said sadly. “YES FALCO THANKED ME!!” Slippy must have been very excited because his ship lost control a little bit. “Okay, chase ‘em out before they get a clean getaway.” Peppy said. We started blasting like crazy, using those new lenses to aim our way out of the fight. But then the forces turned around and started to climb up on eachother. They were forming a metal cage for me. I almost ran right into the spider’s until Slippy yelled “DO A BARREL ROLL.” I stopped my ship and flung the steering wheel to the side. My ship went over it self and out of danger. Then Falco was charging his cannon for one last shot. A huge ball of blue fire flew out and nailed the spiders, into the ocean. Destroying them all.
I parked my ship on the top of the tower and so did the others. We went through a vent, and met up with Commander Pepper. “You may have saved my life, and for that I am truly grateful.” He awarded us with medals that were the size of pins. “We will call you when we need you. This may not be the last we see of the army.”
That was a lie, he had mentioned Andross. Something did not feel right.
And with that we left the planet hoping to figure out what forces had just attacked.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 17 2016 at 12:10 pm
guard-girl GOLD, Clover, South Carolina
10 articles 11 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
Proverbs 3:5-6

I like the premise of the story, a force of animals flying around the galaxy to save the world ;) There were a few grammar errors, but I liked the part when it describes the battle with the spiders. I suggest adding more detail, like are they fighting in a city or country? Are there other people? How do they know Andross, and what has he done in the past? I would love to read more about this :) good job!