Beast | Teen Ink


March 17, 2016
By Nathanlie BRONZE, Toowoomba, Other
Nathanlie BRONZE, Toowoomba, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"I can do this," Adi whispered, tightening her grip on the blade. It's a game. It isn't real - but it felt real. The beast was in front of them, metres away, its eyes flickering with rage. It stared at them through the dim light of the forest, drool flowing from its mouth. Its soul-less eyes focused only on the gamers, ready to pounce. The way it watched them made the hair on the back of Adi's neck prick up. It seemed too realistic for a virtual world. Only the best entertainment for the Corians, I guess. After all, this is why these games were made - for people to watch; to keep the public amused. The beast began to pace towards them picking up speed. Her heart was beating so quickly it seemed to be exploding out of her chest. She looked to the boys beside her. "Dayn? Eren?"

They didn't answer. There was only an eerie silence that sent goose bumps up and down the length of her arm; that was abruptly stopped by the sound of falling branches. The beast darted towards them. She grabbed onto the blade even tighter, turning her knuckles white. "I  can't do this," Adi said, her voice wavering. "If you die in the games, you die in real life ," that was what the entry page had said. "Feel free to quit at any moment." I want to quit. Quitting was shameful. She chose to do this. She had to keep going. "I'm-" scared. She felt fingers digging into her arm. "Snap out of it," Dayn's grip on her arm felt as though she was attached to him. "We need you."

Eren was already attacking the monster with everything he had. Arrows darting through the air, one after the other. Dayn was striking at it with his sword. They made scarcely any effect on the creature. "Adi," Eren looked to her desperately, begging her to do something - anything. "Come on!" It was like her whole body had been paralysed. All she could do was stare at the nightmare creature, in front of her, attacking her companions with its razor-sharp claws.  The beast seeming to tire of the boys decided to target Adi. It leapt towards her motionless body, hoping to kill. "Damn it, Adi," Eren cursed, "Move!"

Adi tasted the metallic flavour of blood and dirt in her mouth. She had been shoved to the ground, just in time to avoid the blur of a shadow that meant death. Instead, it was Eren who had been struck by the monster. Eren's bloodcurdling scream was enough to pull her back into reality. Eren. She could feel the oxygen being knocked out of her body as if she'd been the one hit. "Dayn," Eren struggled to get the words out. "Get away." The beast turned,  heading towards the gamers. Scrambling to her feet, Adi tried to run to Eren's limp body, a waterfall of tears descending her face, before an arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her away. "He's gone," Dayn's face was as distraught as hers. "Eren's gone. We have to go."

Adi could feel the world spinning around her. She sprinted quickly, not caring where they headed. "Get away," she repeated continuously. "That's what Eren wants." Dayn brought a crossbow out of his inventory. He shot at the beast's leg knocking it down and giving them an advantage. "Bring out your inventory," Dayn ordered. "Quit. It's the only way out."
"Then Eren would have died for nothing!" Adi felt the rage in her own voice.
"Eren," Dayn's voice was calm, surprising Adi, "died to protect you."
Adi speechless, rushed to bring out her inventory. She scrolled desperately trying to find 'Quit'. Tears were forming at the corners of her eyes. There is no 'Quit'. There is no escape. They lied to us. This is entertainment. She looked to Dayn, who seemed to have figured it out too. "Run," he breathed.

It was too late. The beast had gotten hold of him in its claws, before he could move.
"Dayn," Adi yelled. His face showed pure terror. Adi ran, grabbing the crossbow Dayn had dropped. She shot  non-stop at the monstrous thing, wanting it only dead. It's game life was barely damaged. Die. Just. Die. "Adi," Dayn cried out. "Stop!"
"No," she panted. "you won't die, not like Eren."
"Just," he had already given up, "survive." That was all he could say before the beast ripped him apart in two and threw him away like a rag doll. No. Not again. Dead. For me. Adi sprinted towards the monster, screaming, dagger in hand, no longer afraid.

Adi climbed onto the monster's back, suddenly having the power, and dug her blade between its shoulder blades. Her hands came out wet and black - blood. She watched as its game life weakened rapidly. Red - almost zero. "For Dayn and Eren!" Adi struck the creature again, puncturing its heart. Zero. She fell to the ground as the beast dissolved underneath. She let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding. Tears were freefalling from her eyes.

She crawled to her friend's lifeless body. "I will find a way out," she whispered to him. "I promise," her voice was firm. She felt as though the ground was shaking beneath her as she stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Is this entertaining enough for you," her scream echoed through the forest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When they opened, she was smirking, her eyes posing a murderous glare. Game on.

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