a futuristic dream | Teen Ink

a futuristic dream

December 18, 2015
By jbyrd BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
jbyrd BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Goodnight sweetie.’’ Is what Jake’s mom said before she turned off the light switch and closed the door. Jake sat there looking at the golden stars in the night sky, thinking about how the future would be. If he ever lived that long to see it. He slowly drifted off into a deep sleep with that thought still in his head. A few hours into his sleep he started to dream about the future. This not just any dream because he felt that it seemed more real than any dream he ever had. He got shocked so he woke up

       he was getting shot through a long clear tunell he eventually landed in a alley. He was greeted by a robot named manbot 720. He walked him through the basic steps of life in the future, He thought it would be a pretty cool life although his family did not know where he had gone. He thought life would be easy but he did not know that governor of the city was a very strict man. Any human who disobeyed his laws while he was in office would serve a minimum of three months in prison. In order to become a citizen of the city of tronville, you have to get special shots and take back round check and give a very good reason about why you wanna become a citizen. Jake went to the courthouse to get the paperwork done. There w lot of other teens his age, when they began to socialize he asked how they ended up here. They said they were having a dream then just woke up here. He seemed to have a unique bond with a boy named douglas. They later became best friends they did everything together.    
         One day Douglas got sick and tired of the way the government was treating them. So they started to come up with a plan to get out of the future. First they decide to just go into another deep sleep, When they woke up they were still in the future. They went to the library to do some research about tronville. In one of the books they read it was a man that was the first to move there.
          They went up to his house and began to talk to him about a way out. he said the only way out is to climb mount. Tron, but nobody has never made it up alive. They took that chance of death. They bought all types of gear and headed up the mountain it took them 2 weeks to make it up. There it was a tunnel of light they jumped into it and went back home to their families.         

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