What Do You Desire Most? | Teen Ink

What Do You Desire Most?

December 14, 2015
By Pearl-sensei BRONZE, Spring, Texas
Pearl-sensei BRONZE, Spring, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many different ‘strengths’ in this world. Which of them do you request?


Different people in different places, different times. All seeking strength, all seeking power. From the heavens fall ‘Angel’s Tears.’ Born of lament for the Earth’s stagnation, they possess the abilities to incite change. Some sought them, others stumbled upon them. However, to receive anything at all from these ‘Angel’s Tears,’ they must fulfill the prerequisite specific to each one. Whether they use their newfound skills to improve the Earth or to ruin it, at the very least, whatever direction it may be,
                        This World Is Moving.


The strength for revenge, the power to end
I didn’t know where the voice was coming from. I didn’t know if I could trust it. But I didn’t care about either of these things. It was offering me the thing I had been deprived of for so long. I wanted power. I needed power. I was starved for power. Revenge had become my single purpose for living. It seemed like an unachievable goal, until today. With power, I could finally pay back my suffering, tenfold. With power, I could save the world from that monster. With power, I could fulfill my role; I could find inner peace. I could … kill her. “Please . . . grant me the strength for my revenge, the power to end it all.”


The strength for helping, the power to heal
Frankly, I couldn’t care less about the disembodied voice echoing throughout me. I needed to save my older brother. That came first and foremost. But maybe I needed this. Maybe I couldn’t save him because I lack ‘power.’ If that is the case, then I’ll take as much power as I can. In order to save him from these people, in order to save him from himself. I’ll break him free from the cage he built around himself. I’ll remove the mask he holds so desperately to his face. Then I won’t feel useless anymore. I wouldn’t slow anyone down, I’d no longer be a hindrance. I could be an asset… “Whoever you are, whatever you are! I’ll accept your offer! I request the strength required for helping others, the power to heal all wounds, all pain!”

The strength for surviving, the power to endure
I was struck dumb. The stubborn defiance that had defined my very self was easily thrown to the side of my mind, overtaken by the otherworldly voice echoing through my soul. It was surprising. That this didn’t feel like a prank. That this didn’t feel like a set-up. That I was being offered a chance to exit this endless loop and change myself. That someone as useless as me was being given this chance. That the possibility to escape was right in front of me. An alternative to futilely struggling against my fate endlessly was born. I’m scared this isn’t real. I’m scared this opportunity will disappear right in front of me. But what scares me most is how much I crave the strength offered to me. I can’t hold it in. “Give it to me! The strength for surviving this hell, the power to endure through it and emerge as the victor!”

The strength for heroics, the power to shine
My life was ending. The voice I was hearing was probably only a delusion. Even so, I wanted to believe in it. I wanted to believe in a bright future for myself just once more. After falling short of my own expectations countless times, after seeing doors close one by one, I don’t want it to end like this again. I’ve lived being ‘good’ at everything, but ‘exceptional’ at nothing. Neither talent nor practice could get me what I wanted. Neither could make me someone ‘exceptional,’ someone who stands above all the rest. I refuse to believe it’s too late for me. I’ll take this chance; I can still be this world’s hero…! With my remaining strength, I shout to the heavens.  “I want it! The strength for heroics, the power to shine brighter than the stars!”


The strength for escaping, the power to seclude
I hate this world. More specifically, I hate being stuck in this world. That’s why hearing, or rather, feeling the voice brought me a feverish excitement. I could tell the buffoons behind me were consumed by a similar excitement as the results of their research were beginning to bloom. But I could care less about the success of their experiment. After all, I had agreed to be their guinea pig for this moment. The moment where I obtain the power I’ve wanted since before I can remember. The world, the people I loved once. The world that is going to ruin. The human race I once proudly associated myself with. Even if I loved them, even if I still love them, I gave up understanding them long ago. I gave up trying to live in this world. I know all too well what form of strength I desire, what I need to get away from this world ruled by humans and their hypocritical insincerities. I faintly whisper the long-awaited keywords. “What I desire is the strength for escaping this infinite trash heap, the power to seclude myself from these illogical, inconsistent humans.”


The strength for overcoming, the power to control
The promise of power dragged up my other self from wherever in the depths of my mind he had hidden himself. I’m surprised that after all this time, he didn’t just disappear. Well, it looks like we’re going to have to make this decision together. What I want is the ability to suppress you. Funny, that’s what I want too. Guess we’ll need to find something else to wish for. How about the power to captivate? You want our parents to love us, right? I could totally see you abusing that power. Haha, you saw right through me. Let’s go for the power to find acceptance in our hearts. There’s no way I’ll accept such a wishy-washy power. That sounds like you’re giving up on ever finding a solution. I sigh. I suppose there’s only one thing that we both want. Obviously there is only one wish we could share. “The only thing we both want is the strength for overcoming these injustices the world has forced upon us, the power to control the factors that impede us, including ourselves.”


The strength for supremacy, the power to attract
I didn’t freak out when I heard the voice echoing throughout my body. Rather, I was ecstatic. Checking out that rumor might have been worth it after all. If this really is real, then I won’t waste any time. The rumored ‘wishing stone’ that can grant any wish … I’ll use it to satiate my hunger. All humans require something called ‘love.’ And if I use the wishing stone’s power, even I can receive it. I can demand it in large quantities. I’ll be loved much more than the idols on television, or the leaders of the world, or even my older brother. That much will surely be enough to satisfy me. My mind is made up. I know what kind of strength, what kind of power I want. “The strength for supremacy in everyone’s hearts, the power to attract the love and affection of humans. Hand it over.”

The strength to change, the power to fight
I’m well aware I’m a weak, unlucky fellow. This chance probably used up all the remaining luck I had left in my life. If that’s the case, I should obviously take this chance and request a form of strength, right? I know it’s the most logical thing to do, but I’m scared. I’ve wanted to change myself for a long time, but now, when the opportunity is right in front of me, I’m hesitating. Clearly, I am a pathetic existence. It’s impossible for someone like me to change. But you want to change, don’t you? A voice whispers in the back of my head. But it doesn’t sway me. You want to be stronger, don’t you? The voice shouts in the back of my head, making its way to the front. But I only think of giving up. Don’t you want to stop giving up? Like you do over and over again? Like you’re doing right now? Like you will CONTINUE to do if you don’t TAKE THIS CHANCE? The voice grows, covering the entirety of my head. It is my own voice, which I had suppressed with the feeling of hopelessness. It is still there. It is still alive. It is angry. I am angry. I can’t stand myself. The anger builds and bursts. In the momentum of my feelings, I answer the voice awaiting my request. “Isn’t it obvious? I want the strength for change my weak self, the power to fight proudly without giving in!”


The strength for surpassing, the power to soar
Freedom. That alone I desired. That alone I was denied. The voice was offering me the means to achieve whatever I desired. My father’s eyes on my back reminded me I would not be forgiven for selfish wishes. Everyone depended upon me, whether I wanted them to or not. I was expected to make my wish on behalf of all of us, regardless of what I wanted. And I had given up. Even though I really wanted freedom. But I honestly have no other choice. But then again… this is my only chance. And I doubt the ‘Angel’s Tear’ will react to a false wish… So, I should attempt to make a compromise. I’ll make my wish as vague as possible. This is something I can’t mess up, even more so than my previous assignments. A path that eventually leads to freedom… The words I speak contain hidden meanings. “I choose the strength for surpassing preset expectations, the power to soar beyond all limitations.”

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