Knockout Gravity Vs. The Diamond Duo | Teen Ink

Knockout Gravity Vs. The Diamond Duo

December 22, 2015
By bumblebee107 BRONZE, Haskell, New Jersey
bumblebee107 BRONZE, Haskell, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

BOOM! BANG! POW! Blizzardia and Electrospark were fighting the villains of the century. Blizzardia shot ice at the Zapster and Electrospark shot fire at the Smelter. The heroes of the year used their teamwork to help each other defeat the villains. They were fighting for the safety of planet Earth. The two heroes focused on stopping the Smelter, and the Zapster turned invisible.

“Oh no, where did he go?” shouted Electrospark. But she used her hearing ability and found where he was located. Right when she found him, Blizzardia raced to the location. Blizzardia flipped in the air and started to do her personalized move called “the Deadly Ice”. She did two flips, shot ice, and turned to kick the Zapster in the face.

WHOOSH! BAM! The Zapster flew to the ground and knocked himself out, hitting a streetlight. Electrospark threw more fire at the Smelter and punched him so hard that he passed out half way to the ground.

“That’s what you get when you try to defeat the Diamond Duo,” Blizzardia said with a giggle. Blizzardia and Electrospark went to call the police. The police raced to the scene where the villains were captured. Electrospark and Blizzardia jumped up and down as they cheered.

RING! BING! DING! “Oh no, Blizzardia, our pager! Someone needs our help!”

“What does it say?”

Electrospark carefully took the pager to read what it said. “Um, we have a situation!”

Blizzardia slowly strode over and looked down at the pager.  It read: “Code Red on Planet La-Zen, we need your help ASAP.”

Both heroes knew what they had to do right away. They raced home to pack what they needed for this trip. Of course instead of running Blizzardia flew home while Electrospark was forced to run. Electrospark always wished she could have been able to fly but she didn’t get that power.

After an hour and a half they were all ready. They went to their secret underground headquarters located about five blocks from their houses. Loading up their big spaceship, they packed everything they needed including emergency items for their trip. They packed anything and everything they thought they could need, like rope, scissors, a hair dryer, and duct tape. Electrospark started to count down. “Three… two… one… LIFT OFF!”

Suddenly, there was a boom as the rocket started up. They flew to La-Zen and landed carefully to make sure it was safe. La-Zen was a strange planet. It was all red and smelled like a public bathroom that had not been cleaned in a while. La- Zen also had oxygen so that its people could breathe. Also the two heroes saw citizens, who looked like a cross between little green Martians and emperor penguins, everywhere; they were hanging from pulls and tried to not float away from their home planet. Blizzardia started to get out of the rocket, but right when she opened the door, she started to float out too.

“Electrospark, this can’t be the right place. Maybe we calculated the distance wrong,” Blizzardia stated as she held tightly onto the rocket ship so she wouldn’t float away. 

All of a sudden there was a voice. “You are in the right place. Our gravity is gone. A villain called Knockout Gravity took it away as part of his plot to take over our planet. That’s why I paged you; you see, we all need your help to stop Knockout Gravity and to return our planet to normal.”

Both heroes jumped as the man flew closer. “How long has there been no gravity?”

“For about a day now.”

“Well, who are you?” questioned Electrospark.

“They call me the WEISMAN. I have built myself an anti-anti-gravity suit but I could only make the one.”

Electrospark soared out of the rocket and exclaimed, “I can fly, finally.” Electrospark started to get light headed and her stomach started to turn. The WEISMAN saw this right away and knew she was going to get sick. Blizzardia and Electrospark quickly went back in to their spaceship to put on the Gravity-Suits they had brought from home because the anti-gravity was making them sick.

The WEISMAN said once they were back outside, “If you need any help, feel free to ask.”

Electrospark and Blizzardia thanked the man for the kind offer. Blizzardia thought of a plan. After a few moments of silence, Blizzardia exclaimed, “I’ve got it! You know how villains hate to see people happy? Well we could be ourselves and just have a blast with no gravity and then he would have to come to us to make us miserable.”
Blizzardia and Electrospark’s Gravity-Suits could only keep them on the ground for a little bit at a time. The new environment of La-Zen was like the moon so the two girls still bounced around.

“Let’s get this party started!” screamed Electrospark. They took out their flashlights and started to have a blast as they shot their lights across the sky. They cheered and after about five minutes Knockout Gravity came.

“You aren’t supposed to have fun; you are supposed to be miserable!”

The two heroes turned to see that Knockout Gravity was finally there. He was just like them; however, he was wearing a huge, grey gravity suit so that he could live wherever there was no gravity.

“Well, we are,” Electrospark stated.

“Yeah, what are you going to do about it?” Blizzardia said with a smirk.

Knockout Gravity threw a punch at Blizzardia but she dodged it in time.

SLAM! Electrospark punched Knockout Gravity so hard that he flew backwards, still bouncing above the ground.  That gave Blizzardia and Electrospark an idea. They bounced to their spaceship and dug through their emergency stuff. They found their duct tape and their hairdryer, but that wasn’t what they were looking for. They kept looking until they found it. There! They pulled the long rope they had brought with them and wrapped the beginning of it around the spaceship and the end out it around their bodies so that they could get where they want to go and wouldn’t get thrown about by the villain.

For a few hours the three of them kept fighting when Blizzardia went to do her “Deadly Ice” move. She used her math skills to see if it would work in this type of environment and she found out it would but she would need to use all her strength. So she did a “bouncing start” and then did two extremely high jumps and in midair did two flips as she shot ice and went to kick him. But her calculations were off and she missed him when she kicked. Electrospark had Blizzardia’s back and went to shoot fire at him. She hit him right in the face. It made his eyes burn as the fire surrounded him. He knew that he was in serious trouble and needed to get help. His body was burning rapidly because of the oxygen on La-Zen. The two heroes didn’t want him to die even though he was a villain, so Blizzardia made him a deal. “If you give these people their gravity back, I will save you, but if you don’t, then we won’t help you.” Blizzardia hoped that Knockout Gravity wouldn’t see that she was lying about not wanting to save him.

Knockout Gravity thought long and hard, but he finally answered, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Fine these little pains can have their stupid gravity back, just save me already, you little twerp!” screamed Knockout Gravity Like Blizzardia promised she used her ice power to shoot freezing ice on him so that the fire would stop. Then Knockout Gravity turned the gravity back on and stated, “You may have defeated me this time, Diamond Duo, but you will see me again, and I won’t fail.”

THUNK! THUD! OOF! Everyone fell back down to planet La-Zen. They all cheered and thanked the Diamond Duo for their help.  The La-Zen-ians said goodbye to the Diamond Duo as they left for their home. The WEISMAN planned to keep in touch so that he could always help them if they needed him. But most importantly both the Diamond Duo and the La-Zen-ians both knew how to survive if they lost gravity again, even though nobody wanted that to happen.

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