Aliens | Teen Ink


December 10, 2015
By craynes4121 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
craynes4121 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It Streaked across the sky, a Bright red streak of flames, and as it wizzed around the planet something fell of of it and started it’s own path. As it’s mother object wizzed off on the path it now continued. It’s Package was now hurtling towards the ground on a path of collision with the planet. As it approached the ground at breakneck speed, it started to slow down; shooting fire in every direction and  eventually floating and lightly settled into it's place on the ground; in the middle of main street.
Witnesses couldn't believe their eyes and as quick as they could process what just happened they called the authorities. Reports were sent in, and within minutes it was surrounded by crowds of people, police, and scientists. Baffled at where to start the police tested it to see if it was safe. when nothing harmful was found they sent in the scientists who measured the massive object. It was 14 feet wide 13 deep and 12 tall. Performing test after test on the materials it was made of, and making observations on its parts. Especially the parts all over that upon its descent were shooting fire. It had been inactive since it settled into it’s place. It seemed to be made of metal and covered in high tech devices made of silicone and plastics, whose purpose was unknown.
All the tests were being processed, until the military joined the crowd. The General who placed himself in charge, and dismissed the police, wanted to blow it up. his first thought was destruction of the object. He feared this object was sent to harm his country, start wars and take over their somewhat peaceful planet. No Mysterious object no threat. However the scientist wanted its preservation. for its technology could help them and teach them so much. They appointed leader of the group of scientists who was to talk to the general. He pulled the general aside, and the two talked, which became heated and very quickly turned into an argument. They argued about what to do with this object. What would be the best coarse of action, staying safe and destroying the possible threat or trying to communicate with the mass of metal and learning from it.
The argument was heated and soon became more so, as  non stop yelling, cursing, and name calling flew back and forth. Name calling and insults about intelligence and brawn filled the storm of noise. Enough to attract the attention of the media who now instead of covering the object was turned the cameras toward this argument.
In the midst of the argument a sound went off, a decompressing sound. Air rushed out of the object and a platform lowered. As the news cameras turned toward the object a faint mist was cascading out of the objects newly discovered hatch. Out stepped creatures with four appendages who balanced vertically on two. The crowd went silent in awe at what was before them. The creatures stepped out and landed on the surface of the planet. As the head scientist approached the aliens.
He asked, “What brings you here?”
One creature started to vocalize its demands, “Hi, I’m Alex and I'd like to take a moment to tell you about our lord and saviour …”

The author's comments:

I was boared in math class and reminiscing about two missionaries that came to my house the other night and wrote the rough draft of this

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