The Mazes Twist | Teen Ink

The Mazes Twist

December 10, 2015
By nate26 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
nate26 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Electronic Maze was no ordinary thing, it is somewhat of a proving ground for people of the Talakian Republic.
  Where the weak would go, the strong, the tall, the short, the small, everybody,but the Electronic Maze only opens when the reigning Chancellor believes it is his time to become a Space God with all of the other past Chancellors.
The ritual would begin with the Chancellor being put in a ship with some of the riches of their reign. Then it would be sent up to space, and when it left the atmosphere the ship would destruct. Then he would be with the Space Gods.
After the Chancellor is gone, that is when the Maze would open and the group that have been chosen by the Republic Council would be flown in from all over the Republic to compete. And that is how we have gotten to this point we are at now.
“Today is the day, the day of the naming” Dieter said to his little brother.
“What day?” his brother Enden said to him .
“You know the day of the naming,” he said to his brother once more .
“Why would I care? I'm not old enough anyways” Enden said with a snarky tone.
“Yes, you're not, but Enden I am...I could do I could make it” Dieter said with so much importance in his voice.
Enden could tell this meant a lot to Luke so he just said “ Ya this could be big!”
Dieter made his way down from his room to the kitchen where his mother was cooking some lerkin eggs and sperian bread.
When he walked in he said “Hey, Mother, how has your morning been”
she replied “It's been good, Honey”
She tried to not look scared of today, but she was she knows what can happen in the maze, because that's why Dieter and Enden don't have a Dad. He was lost in the maze after Jake was born. That's why Dieter’s so determined to be in the Maze and defeat it.
But all that was on his Mother's mind, he had None on his, he finished his breakfast then grabbed his hover boots, threw them on, then set off to his friend Apollo’s House. As he went flying down the street dodging cars and Talakians he saw Apollo’s house. He edged his boots, slowed down and came to a stop right in the front of his house.
He knew the code to the door and could just walk in his house. No one would mind really, he was just as much apart of this family as his other one, because Dieter and Apollo have been friends forever. Their mothers are even friends.
He said hello to Apollo’s Mom, then made his way up to his room. When he walked in, Apollo was still asleep. He took the levitator pen they made in tecton class, then used it to turn Apollo around and around and again once more.
“IM UP, IM UP,IM UP,” Apollo  said laughing.
“Hurry, you know what today is.” Dieter said.
“Oh crap, that's today,” Apollo said
“Yes, Apollo, now get up.” Dieter said with a sarcastic but snarky tone a friend would use jokingly.
When Apollo finally got ready Dieter was watching the hologram.
“Look, it's the top news,” Dieter said.
Apollo’s mom widened the hologram so she could watch also. She was always fascinated. This was the second one of her life and wasn't really old enough to really care about and remember the last one.
    When Apollo was finally ready they hopped in his hover car and made their way down to the Republic building where they will have the Republic council talk and then after each one of their talks they will name the person they found worthy to compete for the chancellery, there was lots of traffic but they managed to make it there on time.
They sat through long and some boring talks, and the people that were being called up there was a girl he knew back from school and some guy that works and the ship mechanics shop and other he didn't know but he was getting worried.
“What do you think there's two left after this lady's done” Dieter sayed concerningly
“Lets just see how it works out k” Apollo said calmly to him
And as soon as Apollo said that he heard something over the loudspeakers.
It was the lady “Apollo Heath” she said and then said it once more “Apollo Heath”
Apollo couldn't believe it and neither could Dieter, Dieter was happy he got called and just as he was giving Apollo a high five that's when he heard it, it was happening it was him he heard it again “Dieter Juno” he had made it he had been chosen and him and Apollo would go thru it together, tomorrow the maze would open and he would go threw the journey his father went threw, as he stayed there lying in his bed he thought more and more and he wondered why did they just call six but he didn't question and went to bed.
         When he woke up he had a republic hover transport ready to take him to the maze he put on a sort of uniform they gave him, took a final picture with his family they got a copy and so did he to keep with him, then like that he was gone on his way to the maze it took awhile and he was in that truck for quite some time but the man inside it with him told him that they were there.
When he stepped out there was a huge crowd and then he saw Apollo wearing the same thing he was, but he looked frightened to go into the maze so did some of the others but Dieter was not frightened at all he was going to do what his father couldn't.
The chosen were put together and then were told to walk towards the maze when they were about to reach it a big door opened there was many paths leading different ways they kept walking until they all reached their way into it all the way and the huge door closed and the many pathways that were just there disappeared it was just a screen.
Dieter said confused but demanding “Hey what the heck is this, where did the maze go and who are you”
A man walked out of another lifting door this one being smaller though he said
“I am Doctor Hyrum Rengland, and allow me to explain this”
Dieter said “Well please shine some light on this matter”
Doctor Hyrum replied, “I like your attitude, but yes I must let you know there is no maze, really we will put you in a time machine and we will see how each one of you will change the future in the best way for the Talakian Republic.
“Young lady you shall go first” he pointed at the only girl that was chosen.
She went and came back in a short period of time they didn't say how she did but you could tell it wasn't good the other men were called they went and came back in about five minutes or so each, and then Apollo was called that meant I would be Last, they set Apollo up and he was off to the future Dieter couldn't stop thinking of what he could do to make the Republic better than it was all ready.
Jimmy came back with a confident look on his face, They called Dieter set him off then he went thru a portal that put him in the chancellor's palace a man walked in the big room where he was sitting on a giant throne and said what would you like my Chancellor.
Dieter thought for a moment and then said “Tell me about the Republic what's happening in the towns”
“Many people are hungry some do all the work some expect that they don't have to pay taxes, it's a mess really” the man said.
“Well let's change that, connect me with the republic.
A camera drone came in and gave a green light Dieter began to speak.
‘I set forth that everyone will be equal all of the republic will work and will pay the taxes put upon them I will try to keep them at a low but if we all work together every Talawakian can make a change.
He instantly put the changes into place and it made the Republic a place with a flourishing Economy and with those actions he made a great change then decided that it was time to return to the present.
When he returned all the others were gone and he was told that he was the new chancellor.
He was filled with joy but then was alarmed that he didn't know where Apollo was, he told the man that he wanted to see him know he was brought to him and his first act as chancellor he spared all their lives and began his reign as chancellor for the rest of his life. 

The author's comments:

Im in a writing class at school and my teacher told me to submit this. 

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