The Devil's Tree | Teen Ink

The Devil's Tree

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

One  dark,blood-chilling night, I saw myself floating in the black, breathtakingly eerie reflection of the river right next to my small crippled cabin in the woods. I never expected anything like this to happen . All I wanted was for this man to leave my home for good. That night I was awakened by the sound of someone knocking. As I got closer to the door the knocking became louder and louder until I opened the door. Once I opened that door I knew I was going to regret it.
As I opened the door I could see a tall man dressed in black, covered in mud and out of breath.
“Could I come in and use your phone real quick?” The filthy man asked with a voice that sounded like two rocks being rubbed together.
“Sure…” I agreed hesitantly after seeing him out of breath.
I began to lead him through the dark hall into the living room where all of my brand new furniture was covered in their plastic. Occasionally I would hear something be kicked and the stranger mutter some rude words under his breath. I sat him on the covered couch while I made him a cup of coffee. I turned on the tv to relax myself from the fright he had given me from his knocking.
From the kitchen I could hear both the T.V. and the tall man talking on the phone. What I pieced together from the man’s phone conversation was that he was calling his friend Angus to come and pick him up because his car had broken down and he had no money to get a tow truck to come and get it. After his intense and discreet conversation I politely brought him a nice and warm cup of coffee to hold him up until his friend could come pick him up at my house.
My only thoughts then were if his friend was going to be able to find his way here. Through all that mud and scum along the way. I had to admit that it is a creepy place to live, but it was one of the cheapest and nicest cabins in the area. The trail to get here isn’t the most stable as it is made out of dirt and when it rains it just makes it muddy and hard to see where you are going. Besides all of the mud the place is covered in tall trees that can easily cause someone to have an accident.
After a while of watching the news a new story was arising the escape of an  inmate that goes by the name of Alan Rowe. He had just escaped the near by penitentiary. He was described as a tall male with dark brown hair that had just escaped with one of the cop’s car. Hearing that news, I had a heart-stopping realization that the cop car was just a few yards away from my cabin.  Panic seized my whole body instantly! Blood rushed to my head clouding out the noise of someone knocking on my door. When i finally heard it, I ran to the door and was met by a scary red haired man.
“I’m Angus, my friend said he needed to be picked up here.” Said the man with a voice that could freeze even the hottest of fires.
Telling him to wait by the door, I slowly turned myself and made my way to where the escapee sat watching tv as if he was hypnotized by the images on the screen. Suddenly a warning came on the screen advising people to lock their doors and windows and not talk or let any strangers in their home. The man turned on me and without saying a word, pulled out a knife. He jumped up and attempted to stab my chest when all of a sudden, there was a loud noise and the man collapsed.
Turning around, I noticed Angus standing in the threshold of my living room.
“Why did you shoot him?!?!?!” I screamed! “I thought you two were together!”
“No,” He said, “That man is not my friend anymore. No more than he is human. He is simply a pawn used by the devil now. It was time for me to end his reign of terror on my old friend.”
We talked for what seemed like hours until I finally understood what had happened. He cut down the tree that the Devil had been using as bait to lure in unsuspecting humans. The devil then seized his body and forced him to commit horrific murders.
Angus turned to take his friends body and leave after this discussion, when we realized that the “dead man” had disappeared. Every trace of his existence was gone. The once muddy floors were clean and the couch with a body imprint in the plastic had been smoothed as if nobody had ever sat there. I moved out of this house the next day, only to find out years later that every single owner who has lived there since me has mysteriously left the face of the earth, never to be seen by family or friends again.

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